Thursday 31 March 2016

Different Stories

Good afternoon!

This morning, we started our day by creating a walking story. A walking story is one which doesn't have a big moment or action (climax). We wrote four sentences about spring. When we finished this we went to gym where we continued on with the stations we started earlier this week.

Before recess, we listened to a book called Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride. When we came in from recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class did some word work while Mr. Fisher's class went to music.

After lunch, we did some quiet reading, but it wasn't our best day. We then worked on finishing our walking story, and also started working on a climbing story which has an exciting part or a problem (climax). Our reading buddies joined us for a little while before we got ready to go home.


Tomorrow is the last day to bring in Jump Rope for Heart pledge forms! Prizes and totals will be determined tomorrow so not late forms are accepted.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Nunavut's Flower

Good afternoon!

During morning activity we continued creating our increasing patterns from yesterday, we needed to come up with 5 different ones. We worked on that all the way to gym.

After gym, we worked on the rough draft of our PenPal Letters. We are hoping to send the out as soon as possible so we will continue to work on these throughout the week.

When we came back from gym, Ms. Zimmermann's class went to music, and Mr. Fisher's class did yoga and then went to library. Ms. Zimmermann's class did yoga after music until lunch.

After lunch, we did 30 minutes of quiet reading which was fantastic. We then got together with Mrs. G's class to continue working on our Nunavut study. We learned about the land and some key words we came up with were: tundra and permafrost. Ask your child what those words mean and why they are important to Nunavut. We did research with a partner to find out what the official flower of Nunavut is....

Here's what we learned:

It's called the Purple Saxifrage and became the official flower of Nunavut on May 1st, 2000.


Jump Rope for Heart pledge envelopes are due back on FRIDAY! No late forms/envelopes will be accepted.

Ms. Zimmermann's class has library tomorrow morning... please remember to bring in any outstanding books!

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Welcome Back!

Good afternoon and welcome back to Grade 2!
We are now just a few months away from summer so we are starting to prepare ourselves for Grade 3.

This morning, we started our day by writing 6 sentences about how we spent our break.
When we came back from gym, we continued reading about daredevils and their notorious adventures. Today we learned about Phillipe Petit who walked on a cable wire between the World Trade Centres in 1974.

After recess, Mr. Fisher's class went to music while Ms. Zimmermann's class had some fun and played some silent ball. When we all got together before lunch, we had a class meeting regarding expectations and behaviors. We talked about how things need to change in our classroom to make it a more respectful and safe because a lot of students continue to make poor decisions that affect others every day.

Quiet reading was our activity after lunch before we moved into some math this afternoon. Earlier in the year we learned about repeating patterns and their features such as the core and attributes. Today, we learned about an increasing pattern.

Below is an example of an increasing pattern... ask your child to explain why this is an increasing pattern and not a repeating one.

We will also learn about decreasing patterns later this week. Encourage your child to practice their increasing pattern while explaining it.

Ms. Zimmermann's class has music tomorrow... if your child chose to bring their recorder home for the break, please remember to bring it tomorrow!


Jump Rope for Heart forms MUST be back by Friday! If they are returned late, students will not be getting a prize for their fundraising efforts.

Mr. Fisher's class has Library tomorrow (Wednesday), please remember to return any outstanding books.

If you were unable to attend March 17th and 18th conferences, please contact Mr. Fisher or Ms. Zimmermann if you'd like to schedule a meeting.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Almost Spring Break!

Good afternoon,

Today for morning activity we made new name tags for our coat hooks. Tomorrow we will be switching our coat hook placement.

During gym we continued to work on Jump Rope for Heart. We are really enjoying skipping!

After gym, room 8 visited the book fair while room 7 read a story on the smartboard.

Following recess, room 8 had music while room 7 worked on scrambled sentences. We had to put them in the correct order and make sure we used capitals and periods.

Before lunch, room 7 visited the book fair. The book fair will be open during student-led conferences if you wish to visit.

After lunch, we did some quiet reading.

For the remainder of the afternoon we did a math/art activity. We made some rainbows for St. Patrick's Day. Each colour of the rainbow was a different length. We had to measure the strips and then glue them to our paper to make a 3D rainbows.

Conferences are tomorrow and Friday! Please make sure to book an appointment.

Tomorrow is early dismissal. The bell will ring at 11am.

Have a great evening!

Tuesday 15 March 2016


Good afternoon,

This morning we practiced our letter writing. We had to write a letter to anyone we wanted and we included juicy words, and 8 sentences.

Today we started Jump Rope for Heart. We noticed we're getting better at skipping. Please remember to sign up online to fundraise.

After gym we finished our planning for our Inukshuk. We had to include a picture, a date, a title, and a sentence.

After recess, room 7 had music and room 8 did some ketchup. We continued to work on ketchup until lunch.

This afternoon, we received our letters from our penpals. We paired up with another student to write a response. We will have to include 10 sentences in our final copy.

Reminder, room 7 has library tomorrow.

Monday 14 March 2016

Rock Walk for Inukshuks

It's the week before Spring Break and I think we're all ready for a little time away from school.

We started morning activity by reviewing our spelling words. This week we have 30 words on our test because it is review week for us. These 30 words come from the last 3 weeks of spelling tests.

Instead of gym, we had a Jump Rope for Heart assembly to kick off our school's fundraising efforts. Tonight, your child should have come home with a JUMP! Envelope which allows them to track any and all donations they may receive. There are prizes depending on how much money is raised per student.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music while Mr. Fisher's class did some ketchup work. Because we missed gym, we spent the rest of the time before lunch playing soccer baseball in the field.

We did some more silent reading after lunch, and then went on our Rock Hunt. We collected rocks of all shapes and sizes to use for building our Inukshuks as part of our Let's Visit Nunavut study. Once we had all of our rocks, we started to plan out how we were going to build them. We will take some time throughout the week to get them assembled.


Ms. Zimmermann's book orders are due back by Thursday, March 17th by 11AM. Please do not bring orders to conferences.

Student Involved Conferences are on Thursday and Friday this week!

Thursday 10 March 2016

Let's Visit Nunavut!

Good afternoon,

This morning we did task cards for morning activity. We had to do five before we went to gym. Most students are now able to complete that many before gym

After gym, we read a bit more from our novel, Polar Bears Past Bedtime. We are working on a cross curricular unit on the arctic.

After recess, room 7 did a tidy up of the classroom and a movement break and room 8 had music. Following that, we all went to the learning commons.

This afternoon, we did quiet read. We did an excellent job of quietly reading today!

For the remainder of the day, we began our new unit on Nunavut. The students learned some facts about Nunavut and did the title page for our book. We drew the flag of Nunavut on the cover.

We will be building some Inuksuks for our unit. If students have SMALL rocks at home, they may bring them in for the project.

Reminder, tonight is the pizza party. Students must be accompanied by an adult. It is from 6-8.

Spelling test is tomorrow!

Mr. Fisher will be away tomorrow, Mrs. Fillmore will be in as a guest teacher.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Lots of Ketchup!

Good afternoon everyone!

We had a great day today, and started our morning with some Ketchup. We had some work that needed to get done included our Picture Prompt writing and our spelling words. We practiced our pyramid writing strategy to learn our words.

After gym, we continued with our novel that is tied into our Science and Social Studies unit on the Arctic and Hot/Cold. Our novel is called, "Polar Bears Past Bedtime", it is a Magic Tree House book by Mary Pope Osborne.

When we came back from recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class continued on unfinished work while Mr. Fisher's class went to music. We did some yoga before lunchtime to stretch out and relax.

After lunch, we started with a quiet read and moved into a partner read. We then read a fictional story about a tightrope walker which ties into the little study we are doing about daredevils. We spent the rest of the afternoon working on our Colour Wheel art and a thorough clean of the classroom.


Pizza Party and Dance tomorrow night from 6PM to 8PM.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Art Day!

Happy International Women's Day!

We started our morning with a Picture Prompt writing task. We used the following picture to write a small story. We used the frog lounging on the lily pad as our starting point. We heard some pretty fascinating stories from our bright minds who were willing to share!


Following gym, we celebrated International Women's Day by reading a story called, "Every Day is Malala Day" which discusses the young Malala Yousafzai who was shot in the head because she wanted to go to school. We also watched some short videos and talked about how in many countries women are still discriminated against and do not have the same rights as men.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class went to music while Mr. Fisher's class read a story and did some work around that. We finished up before lunch with some math work that needed to be completed.

When we came back from lunch, we did some silent reading and partner reading. We decided that we hadn't done much art lately, so we started a project using warm and cool colours. They aren't quite finished yet, but we're convinced that they will turn out amazing.

There are no reminders for tonight.

Monday 7 March 2016

Place Value

Good afternoon!

We started the day by writing about our weekends which we haven't done in a little while. When we came back from gym, we finished our Graphing Test from Friday because a lot of us had a few things to finish off before handing it in.

After recess, Mr. Fisher's class had music and when we were all back together, we learned our new spelling words for the week.

Group One:


Group Two:


We continued with our silent reading after lunch, and then moved into Place Value which is a review for us. We went over the hundreds, tens, and ones and what number is in each spot.

For example:

1 3 6 =

HUNDREDS                  TENS                        ONES
         1                                 3                                6

We also visualized this number using a hundreds block, a tens, and single ones. Ask your child to share their learning about this with you!


Please return any Pizza Party and Dance forms for Parent Council. The dance is scheduled for THIS Thursday from 6-8PM.

Friday 4 March 2016

Test Day!

Happy Friday!

Today was a busy day of learning with more than just one test. Our morning activity was fun and we got to play hangman and word scramble with our word wall words! We then did our spelling test before gym.

In gym today, we had a fun game and combined it with fitness. When we came back, we talked more about Niagara Falls and the daredevils who went over the falls in different kinds of barrels.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music. Before lunch we worked on how to do our activities quietly

After lunch and silent reading, we started our Graph test in math. Most of us got it done, but we will take some time next week to finish it off.


Pizza Party and Dance next Thursday, March 10th from 6-8PM. Please return pizza slips WITHOUT money so Parent Council can determine interest.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday 2 March 2016

... more graphing!

Good afternoon!

Today was busy and filled with LOTS of math. We will be starting to work on addition and subtraction in the next 2 weeks so we did another math problem for morning activity. It is a multi-step problem that would total a two digit number; it includes addition, subtraction, and identifying odd and even numbers.

After gym, we continued to finish our book, The Queen of the Falls which were were reading to help with inferencing as part of Language Arts.

When we came in from recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class went to music while Mr. Fisher's class learned a new letter blend. Before lunch, Mr. Fisher's class went to library while Ms. Zimmermann's class learned the letter blend.

After lunch, we started with our silent reading again. We then moved onto graphing again. We learned about Pictographs today which are similar to Bar Graphs, but they use pictures instead of bars. Tomorrow we will wrap up any outstanding work on graphing before our review test on Friday afternoon! The students have been informed of this upcoming review since Monday.


Ms. Zimmermann's class has LIBRARY tomorrow. Please return any books in order to take out new materials.

Ms. Zimmermann's class had homework that was DUE TODAY! If these outstanding assignments are not handed in before the weekend, they will be assigned 'Incomplete'.

Review on graphing Friday... encourage students to study at home if they are struggling with this concept.

Tuesday 1 March 2016


Good afternoon,

Today we started with math. For morning activity we were given the number 42. We had to do several things with our number, such as adding, subtracting, and counting on. This was helpful for us to see where the students are. We will soon be starting adding and subtracting, so this allows us to see what the students know.

After that we had gym. We are still working on basketball. Today we continued working on our passing. We passed to another person, making sure the ball bounced at least once.

Following gym, we finished up our reflection on Maya the Bee. We were to have 5 sentences and include something we liked, something we disliked, and something we would change.

After recess, room 7 had music and room 8 did a movement break. When room 7 came back from music we did language arts. We are working on making inferences while we read. We started reading a story about called, "Queen of the Falls." We will be finishing our story tomorrow.

This afternoon, we started with a quiet read. After our reading we continued working on graphing. Today we gathered some data from our classmates on their favourite things. We recorded our data using tally marks. Once we had collected our data, we made a bar graph to display it. Tomorrow, we will begin working on pictographs.

Room 7 has library tomorrow, please remember to return your books.

Have a great evening!