Wednesday 30 March 2016

Nunavut's Flower

Good afternoon!

During morning activity we continued creating our increasing patterns from yesterday, we needed to come up with 5 different ones. We worked on that all the way to gym.

After gym, we worked on the rough draft of our PenPal Letters. We are hoping to send the out as soon as possible so we will continue to work on these throughout the week.

When we came back from gym, Ms. Zimmermann's class went to music, and Mr. Fisher's class did yoga and then went to library. Ms. Zimmermann's class did yoga after music until lunch.

After lunch, we did 30 minutes of quiet reading which was fantastic. We then got together with Mrs. G's class to continue working on our Nunavut study. We learned about the land and some key words we came up with were: tundra and permafrost. Ask your child what those words mean and why they are important to Nunavut. We did research with a partner to find out what the official flower of Nunavut is....

Here's what we learned:

It's called the Purple Saxifrage and became the official flower of Nunavut on May 1st, 2000.


Jump Rope for Heart pledge envelopes are due back on FRIDAY! No late forms/envelopes will be accepted.

Ms. Zimmermann's class has library tomorrow morning... please remember to bring in any outstanding books!

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