Tuesday 29 March 2016

Welcome Back!

Good afternoon and welcome back to Grade 2!
We are now just a few months away from summer so we are starting to prepare ourselves for Grade 3.

This morning, we started our day by writing 6 sentences about how we spent our break.
When we came back from gym, we continued reading about daredevils and their notorious adventures. Today we learned about Phillipe Petit who walked on a cable wire between the World Trade Centres in 1974.

After recess, Mr. Fisher's class went to music while Ms. Zimmermann's class had some fun and played some silent ball. When we all got together before lunch, we had a class meeting regarding expectations and behaviors. We talked about how things need to change in our classroom to make it a more respectful and safe because a lot of students continue to make poor decisions that affect others every day.

Quiet reading was our activity after lunch before we moved into some math this afternoon. Earlier in the year we learned about repeating patterns and their features such as the core and attributes. Today, we learned about an increasing pattern.

Below is an example of an increasing pattern... ask your child to explain why this is an increasing pattern and not a repeating one.

We will also learn about decreasing patterns later this week. Encourage your child to practice their increasing pattern while explaining it.

Ms. Zimmermann's class has music tomorrow... if your child chose to bring their recorder home for the break, please remember to bring it tomorrow!


Jump Rope for Heart forms MUST be back by Friday! If they are returned late, students will not be getting a prize for their fundraising efforts.

Mr. Fisher's class has Library tomorrow (Wednesday), please remember to return any outstanding books.

If you were unable to attend March 17th and 18th conferences, please contact Mr. Fisher or Ms. Zimmermann if you'd like to schedule a meeting.

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