Friday 4 March 2016

Test Day!

Happy Friday!

Today was a busy day of learning with more than just one test. Our morning activity was fun and we got to play hangman and word scramble with our word wall words! We then did our spelling test before gym.

In gym today, we had a fun game and combined it with fitness. When we came back, we talked more about Niagara Falls and the daredevils who went over the falls in different kinds of barrels.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music. Before lunch we worked on how to do our activities quietly

After lunch and silent reading, we started our Graph test in math. Most of us got it done, but we will take some time next week to finish it off.


Pizza Party and Dance next Thursday, March 10th from 6-8PM. Please return pizza slips WITHOUT money so Parent Council can determine interest.

Have a great weekend!

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