Thursday 17 December 2015

Almost there!

Good afternoon,

We are all so excited for our winter break!

We began today by practicing writing our spelling words. We used as many creative ways as we could to copy them out. We could do bubble letters, backwards writing, or anything else we could think of.

After morning activity we did bingo. We had a great time with bingo. After bingo we did our spelling test. We did not have the opportunity to get them marked today. They will be sent home tomorrow.

After recess, room 7 had music and room 8 learned about a holiday called Kwanzaa.

This afternoon we started by reading. Mrs. G's class visited us and we got to read with a partner. Once we were done reading we went down to the gym for another round of carolling. We had lots of fun!

To finish our afternoon we got to do a special holiday activity. We made salt dough and used it to make ornaments. We measured out our ingredients and had to figure out how much to add if we doubled the recipe.

Tomorrow is our last day before the break, can't wait!!

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Guest Teacher!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started by doing task cards. Our magic number was 4. We had to have them completed before we went to gym.

After task cards we met at the carpet. We read the book How the Grinch Stole Christmas, by Dr. Suess. We talked about how the story connects to pillars of care. Once we were done we brainstormed some ways we can show pillars of care in our school.

After gym we visited the learning commons. The Parent Council bought books for every student this year. We chose our own book. Thank you to Parent Council.

After recess, room 7 had music while room 8 did language arts. To finish off our morning we worked on word work.

This afternoon we started with a quick read.

Following reading we joined up with Mrs. G's class to continue talking about health. We watched a short video and discussed the kinds of items we could use to make a complete meal. After our discussion we chose a partner from any class and created a plate showing a balanced meal.

Reminder, popcorn sale is on tomorrow and Thursday at lunch recess. It is $2 a bag.

Monday 14 December 2015

Northern Lights!

Hi everyone,

We started today with writing in our journal. We shared what we did over the weekend. We wrote 6 sentences and used lots of juicy words.

After morning activity we did spelling. We went over our new words for the week. They are,


We will be having our spelling test on Thursday this week because we have early dismissal on Friday.

After recess room 8 had music and room 7 read a story. When room 8 returned from music we learned another letter blend. Today we worked on "oy" and "oi." We looked for 15 words that include both of them.

This afternoon Ms. Zimmermann was away because she is feeling unwell. A guest teacher joined us. We will have another guest teacher for tomorrow.

To start our afternoon we read from The One and Only Ivan. We learned that Ivan has a plan to save Ruby. Ivan's plan has not yet been revealed. We made predictions about what we think Ivan's plan is.

To finish our afternoon we created pictures of the Northern Lights. We talked about where the Northern Lights appear and the colours that you might see. We added a snowy background to our pictures.

Reminders, all library books must be back before the break!

Thursday 10 December 2015

Second Night of Concert!

Hi everyone,

This morning we started with some journal writing. We wrote about what would happen if Santa's sleigh broke down. We thought about some ways he could transport the gifts without his sleigh. The students came up with some really fantastic ideas.

Following morning activity, room 7 went to the gym to rehearse for tonight's show. We are all really excited for the performance.

When we came back from rehearsal we watched a short video about generosity. We did a mind map and listed some ideas about generosity and what it means.

After recess we continued reading from The One and Only Ivan. We heard a bit more about how Ruby the elephant is being trained at the big top mall. We decided we did not like the way Mack was treating her. Once we were done we did some writing about what we think Ivan's next home will be. We know he has 4 and we have only seen 3.

This afternoon we started with a quick read. Following that we read a story at the carpet.

For the last part of the afternoon we went to the gym and saw a rehearsal of tonight's concert.

Reminder, tonight is the concert for room 7! Please arrive at 5:30 and come straight to the classroom.

Have a great night!

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Winter Concert Tonight!

Hi everyone,

Today we started with morning activity. We chose 5 items in the room to measure. We had to estimate their measurements and then find the actual measurement.

After morning activity we worked on our novel study. We added some information to our Ivan's home chart. We found out about another place that Ivan lived when he was young.

We also read from the book. We learned how many days Ivan has been at the Big Top Mall. A few students in our class have been working out how many years the days add up to.

After recess, all of the grade 2 classes went outside for gym. Mrs. G taught us a game like bucket ball. It's a lot like baseball but you have to put the ball inside a bucket in order to get people out. We had a great time!

This afternoon we continued working on our Mondrian pictures. At 1pm we went down to the gym to watch a rehearsal of tonight's winder concert. The performers did an excellent job!

Reminder, all library books need to be returned by next week. Please bring them in if you still have any.

We will be doing a project for Ivan over the next week and a half. We need some shoe boxes to make dioramas in. If you have any at home, please sent them as soon as you can.

Tonight is the first night of the winter concert. Ms Zimmermann's class is performing. Please arrive by 5:30 and come down to the classroom.

Have a wonderful evening!

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Mondrian and Math!

Good afternoon,

For morning activity today we did task cards. We had to do three of them, if you did five you got to put your name in.

After morning activity, we talked about a new clean up routine. We have chosen a clean up song to use. When we hear the song we start cleaning up. When the song is done we have to be sitting quietly at the carpet.

After gym we read our book. We learned that Ivan was taken from the jungle and lived in Mack's house. Tomorrow we will be adding to our chart about Ivan's home.

After recess, room 8 had music and room 7 worked on a measurement project.

This afternoon we did art. We learned about an artist named Piet Mondrian. He was an abstract expressionist. We had to incorporate measurement into our picture. We had to measure our boxes to the correct length.

The students did a great job! I'm very pleased with them so far. 

Reminders, book orders are due tomorrow! We have to send them in quickly so they are back before the winter holiday. 

Tomorrow is the day for Mr. Shackleton to dress up. If you have any funny things you want to bring in for him to wear, please do. All items will be returned but please note that they will be worn so it's good if you are comfortable with wear and tear. 

Thank you to those parents interested in joining our wee reads program! Please make sure that your green form is filled out and returned to your child's classroom teacher no later than Friday December 11. Our Calgary Reads coordinators will contact you about the training session being held on Tuesday December 15.

Concert is happening tomorrow! Ms. Zimmermann's class will be performing tomorrow night. Please be here by 5:30pm

Have a great evening!

Monday 7 December 2015

Good afternoon,

This morning for morning activity we wrote about what we did on the weekend. We had to do 8 sentences and use lots of juicy words.

After morning activity we did spelling. We are bringing home our new spelling words and our spelling test from last week. We worked very quietly during spelling today.

Our new words are,


After gym this morning we learned about a holiday some members of our class celebrate. It is called Chanukah. We talked about Chanukah and watched part of a video about where the tradition comes from. We have a paper Menorah in our class that we will be lighting at the end of every day. We will also be talking about other holidays people celebrate during the winter season.

This afternoon we had a quick read. Then we were joined by Mrs. G's class for social studies. We made a Venn Diagram comparing Alberta and Saskatchewan. We had to have three pictures and three facts in each section.

We did not have time to get to Ketchup this afternoon because we had to meet at the carpet because we were noisy. Hopefully we will be able to work quietly tomorrow.

Book orders came home today. We need them back by Wednesday, Dec 9. The quick turnaround is due to the fact that we want the books before the winter holiday.

Room 7 and 8 won the Movember contest. This means that we get to decide what Mr. Shackleton wears for his funny outfit. If you have any funny things for him to wear, please bring them tomorrow.

Have a great evening!

Thursday 3 December 2015

No School Tomorrow!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with morning activity. We did hangman and word scramble for morning activity. We used our spelling words.

After morning activity we did bingo. Congratulations to our winners this week!

We did our 50 word spelling test today. The students did a good job listening during our spelling test. We didn't have time to mark the spelling tests today. We will send them home on Monday.

We continued to read The One and Only Ivan. Two students helped with our reading today. They did a great job.

This afternoon we did social studies. We learned about Alberta. There are 6 regions in Alberta. Ask your child what they are?

During social studies we stopped for a conversation about respectful behaviour. We discussed listening while others are talking and following directions in the classroom. We decided as a class that we can do much better on those things.

We finished our afternoon with a clean up and blog.

Reminders, Student-led conferences are tonight and tomorrow. There will be no school for students tomorrow.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Conferences Tomorrow and Friday!

Good afternoon,

Today for morning activity we wrote in our journal. We had to design the perfect domain for Ivan. We spoke yesterday about the things gorillas need.

Some of the things we wrote about are;

-Ivan would have a bigger domain,
-Some of us gave him some toys and stuffed gorilla
-A pool
-Windows on all the sides
-A baby gorilla
-A bird
-Lots of vines to swing on
-Lots of bananas
-A downstairs, an upstairs, and a play room

After morning activity we worked on task. We had to do three task cards today.

In gym we learned the Bunny Hop. It was super fun!

We continued to read The One and Only Ivan today. The story was a little bit sad today but we know that it's okay to feel things about a book.

This afternoon we worked on health. We made some collages of the food groups.

To finish the afternoon we did blog and had a dance party.

Reminder, student led conferences are tomorrow and Thursday. Make sure to book a time.

Spelling test is tomorrow. We are doing our review of the last 5 weeks so be sure to study all 50 words.

Ms. Zimmermann's class has library tomorrow. They will have a chance to browse the book fair. The book fair will also be open during conferences.

Have a great evening!

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Welcome Ms. Zimmermann!

Good afternoon,

Today we started with morning activity. We had to name a healthy food that started with each letter of the alphabet. Some of the letters were very tricky! We found it hard to come up with a food for the letter X or the letter Q. See if you can come up with one at home.

After morning activity, we talked about gorillas. We made a chart about what gorillas "are," what they "can" do, what they "have," and what they "need."

In gym we started a new unit on dance. Today we played freeze dance and learned the chicken dance.

After recess room 7 had music while room 8 worked on their research. When room 7 came back from music we read a story called "That's Not Fair!" We talked about what fairness means. We also talked about how fairness doesn't always mean things are the same. Some of us need different things to learn, our example was wearing glasses.

This afternoon we did social studies. We continued looking at the prairies. We began talking about Saskatchewan today. We learned about the land features in Saskatchewan and created a page about them in our sketch book. We had to draw five pictures and write five facts.

To finish our afternoon we cleaned up, did blog, and finished reading a story we started last week.

Reminders, room 7 has library tomorrow. We will be browsing the book fair. There will be no school on Friday because of Student-led Conferences.

Have a great evening!