Tuesday 15 December 2015

Guest Teacher!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started by doing task cards. Our magic number was 4. We had to have them completed before we went to gym.

After task cards we met at the carpet. We read the book How the Grinch Stole Christmas, by Dr. Suess. We talked about how the story connects to pillars of care. Once we were done we brainstormed some ways we can show pillars of care in our school.

After gym we visited the learning commons. The Parent Council bought books for every student this year. We chose our own book. Thank you to Parent Council.

After recess, room 7 had music while room 8 did language arts. To finish off our morning we worked on word work.

This afternoon we started with a quick read.

Following reading we joined up with Mrs. G's class to continue talking about health. We watched a short video and discussed the kinds of items we could use to make a complete meal. After our discussion we chose a partner from any class and created a plate showing a balanced meal.

Reminder, popcorn sale is on tomorrow and Thursday at lunch recess. It is $2 a bag.

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