Tuesday 1 December 2015

Welcome Ms. Zimmermann!

Good afternoon,

Today we started with morning activity. We had to name a healthy food that started with each letter of the alphabet. Some of the letters were very tricky! We found it hard to come up with a food for the letter X or the letter Q. See if you can come up with one at home.

After morning activity, we talked about gorillas. We made a chart about what gorillas "are," what they "can" do, what they "have," and what they "need."

In gym we started a new unit on dance. Today we played freeze dance and learned the chicken dance.

After recess room 7 had music while room 8 worked on their research. When room 7 came back from music we read a story called "That's Not Fair!" We talked about what fairness means. We also talked about how fairness doesn't always mean things are the same. Some of us need different things to learn, our example was wearing glasses.

This afternoon we did social studies. We continued looking at the prairies. We began talking about Saskatchewan today. We learned about the land features in Saskatchewan and created a page about them in our sketch book. We had to draw five pictures and write five facts.

To finish our afternoon we cleaned up, did blog, and finished reading a story we started last week.

Reminders, room 7 has library tomorrow. We will be browsing the book fair. There will be no school on Friday because of Student-led Conferences.

Have a great evening!

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