Tuesday 8 December 2015

Mondrian and Math!

Good afternoon,

For morning activity today we did task cards. We had to do three of them, if you did five you got to put your name in.

After morning activity, we talked about a new clean up routine. We have chosen a clean up song to use. When we hear the song we start cleaning up. When the song is done we have to be sitting quietly at the carpet.

After gym we read our book. We learned that Ivan was taken from the jungle and lived in Mack's house. Tomorrow we will be adding to our chart about Ivan's home.

After recess, room 8 had music and room 7 worked on a measurement project.

This afternoon we did art. We learned about an artist named Piet Mondrian. He was an abstract expressionist. We had to incorporate measurement into our picture. We had to measure our boxes to the correct length.

The students did a great job! I'm very pleased with them so far. 

Reminders, book orders are due tomorrow! We have to send them in quickly so they are back before the winter holiday. 

Tomorrow is the day for Mr. Shackleton to dress up. If you have any funny things you want to bring in for him to wear, please do. All items will be returned but please note that they will be worn so it's good if you are comfortable with wear and tear. 

Thank you to those parents interested in joining our wee reads program! Please make sure that your green form is filled out and returned to your child's classroom teacher no later than Friday December 11. Our Calgary Reads coordinators will contact you about the training session being held on Tuesday December 15.

Concert is happening tomorrow! Ms. Zimmermann's class will be performing tomorrow night. Please be here by 5:30pm

Have a great evening!

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