Monday 7 December 2015

Good afternoon,

This morning for morning activity we wrote about what we did on the weekend. We had to do 8 sentences and use lots of juicy words.

After morning activity we did spelling. We are bringing home our new spelling words and our spelling test from last week. We worked very quietly during spelling today.

Our new words are,


After gym this morning we learned about a holiday some members of our class celebrate. It is called Chanukah. We talked about Chanukah and watched part of a video about where the tradition comes from. We have a paper Menorah in our class that we will be lighting at the end of every day. We will also be talking about other holidays people celebrate during the winter season.

This afternoon we had a quick read. Then we were joined by Mrs. G's class for social studies. We made a Venn Diagram comparing Alberta and Saskatchewan. We had to have three pictures and three facts in each section.

We did not have time to get to Ketchup this afternoon because we had to meet at the carpet because we were noisy. Hopefully we will be able to work quietly tomorrow.

Book orders came home today. We need them back by Wednesday, Dec 9. The quick turnaround is due to the fact that we want the books before the winter holiday.

Room 7 and 8 won the Movember contest. This means that we get to decide what Mr. Shackleton wears for his funny outfit. If you have any funny things for him to wear, please bring them tomorrow.

Have a great evening!

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