Wednesday 9 December 2015

Winter Concert Tonight!

Hi everyone,

Today we started with morning activity. We chose 5 items in the room to measure. We had to estimate their measurements and then find the actual measurement.

After morning activity we worked on our novel study. We added some information to our Ivan's home chart. We found out about another place that Ivan lived when he was young.

We also read from the book. We learned how many days Ivan has been at the Big Top Mall. A few students in our class have been working out how many years the days add up to.

After recess, all of the grade 2 classes went outside for gym. Mrs. G taught us a game like bucket ball. It's a lot like baseball but you have to put the ball inside a bucket in order to get people out. We had a great time!

This afternoon we continued working on our Mondrian pictures. At 1pm we went down to the gym to watch a rehearsal of tonight's winder concert. The performers did an excellent job!

Reminder, all library books need to be returned by next week. Please bring them in if you still have any.

We will be doing a project for Ivan over the next week and a half. We need some shoe boxes to make dioramas in. If you have any at home, please sent them as soon as you can.

Tonight is the first night of the winter concert. Ms Zimmermann's class is performing. Please arrive by 5:30 and come down to the classroom.

Have a wonderful evening!

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