Friday 29 January 2016

Shape Friday

Good afternoon!

Another week of school gone! We started the morning with partner hangman and word scramble. We started practicing how to work with a partner quietly. For our first try, we did well.

We had gym after our Morning Activity and did gymnastics again. We will be doing this all next week as well. When we returned from gym, we completed our spelling test. Our spelling words will keep getting harder so that we become better spellers.

After recess, Mr. Fisher's class had music, while Ms. Zimmermann's class continued to work on their math booklet and unfinished art work. We all gathered afterwards, had a quick movement break and read a story about being unique.

In the afternoon, we continued with silent reading and then Mrs. Grunert's class joined us for a 2D shape movie. We spent the rest of the afternoon drawing the shapes we saw in the movie and writing facts we know about shapes.

Report cards are going home today, please sign and return the envelope at your earliest convenience.

Please return Dance Club forms A.S.A.P. if your child wishes to participate.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Letter Writing

Another great day in Grade 2!

This morning, we worked on comparing nouns and verbs which we've been learning about a lot lately. Everyone had to cut and paste words into the appropriate columns (nouns and verbs). We did this right up until gym, and we still didn't quite finish!

Last day of Mission Impossible and the winner will be announced TOMORROW!

After gym, we learned about honesty. We've been working on building these character traits because we will use them forever. We will follow up with an activity sometime soon!

Recess was fun, we are loving this warmer weather! When we came back from recess, Mr. Fisher's class had music and then Learning Commons. In the meantime, Ms. Zimmermann's class caught up on any outstanding work - our noun/verb activity, art, and math.

Following lunch, we did some silent reading and then a partner read. We spent the rest of the afternoon learning about letters and how to write them. We also found out that we will be participating in a PenPal program with a Grade 2 class in Ontario. Their letters are in the mail so we are preparing to write one back.


Ms. Zimmermann's class has music and learning commons tomorrow. Please remember to bring back any outstanding books.

Fun Lunch is TOMORROW. Please do not pack a lunch if you are participating!

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Lots of Language

Good afternoon!

We started our day by meeting at the carpet to discuss how we learn in our classroom (i.e. respect for self, others, and place) and continued to write in our journals about how we each learn and what we can do to help everyone around us learn as well.

Today was our second last day of Mission Impossible, that means it ends tomorrow! It's a close race, so boys or girls can still win it at this point.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music, and recorders were handed out. While Room 8 was in music, Mr. Fisher's class worked on getting some previous work completed. When we were all together again, we did a quick movement break and did our spelling work.

We read silently after lunch for 20 minutes, and then moved on to finishing the spelling work we started before lunch. We were very noisy and rude at the carpet before our next activity, so we took some time to practice what a calm, respectful classroom looks and sounds like. We read a story and did a big clean up before final dismissal.


Fun Lunch is this Thursday if you are participating!

Please look out for the yellow letter regarding a practice lockdown this Thursday (the letter was sent home today in everyone's Home Folder).

January 27th (TOMORROW) is Family Literacy Day across Canada. Below is a little bit of information on how you can take part.

Just 15 minutes a day can help develop long-lasting literacy skills in children and help parents and caregivers build positive, strong bonds with their children.
Here are some fun ways your family can mark Family Literacy Day
  • "How was your day today?" Have your child write and share notes (sticky notes are always a big hit) or keep a journal about their day . . . and you do the same.
  • Have a game night Gather and play your family's favourite board games. Take turns reading the instructions, game cards or keeping score.  
  • Lights out, talk on! After bedtime stories with your child, turn off the lights and stay and chat. 
  • Review your home library! Check through your family's books. Choose some to reread. If you're ready to part with any, please donate them to Calgary Reads. They will help supply the yearly fundraising event, the CBC Calgary / Calgary Reads Big Book Sale or the Calgary Reads Book Bank that gets books into the hands of Calgary children who have few or none of their own.

Monday 25 January 2016


Good afternoon,

This morning we started by playing hangman or word scramble with a partner. Then, we did our spelling test from last week. We were unable to finish it on Friday.

After our spelling test, we had gym. We have a few more days of Mission Impossible left. Many students are getting close to the end of the course.

After gym, we read a story called Willoughby and the Moon. The story was about a little boy who notices the moon is missing when he goes to sleep. He finds the moon in his closet and goes on an adventure with a giant snail. Once we read the story, we wrote a summary in our journal. Ask your child if they can summarize the story for you.

When we came back in from recess, room 7 had music while room 8 worked on their math booklets. When room 7 came back from music we got our new spelling words.

They are,

Group 1


Group 2


This afternoon we did a quiet read and a partner read.

To finish off the afternoon, we did a venn diagram about the jobs that people can have in Alberta.

Room 7 got their recorders in music today.

Have a great evening!

Friday 22 January 2016

Fun Friday

Good Morning!

This morning, we read silently as soon as we came in. After our quiet reading, we played BINGO with our spelling words. This week, we only had one winner.

After BINGO, we went to the gym to participate in Mission Impossible. It seems that the boys are in the lead, but the girls still have 3 days to catch up.

Because of early dismissal, we had a snack after gym and we watched a video story. For the rest of the morning, we went to the Learning Commons and participated in different game centers or read quietly.

Recorders will be in sometime next week (likely between Monday and Wednesday).
Our spelling test has been moved to Monday, which means an extra two days to study.

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday 20 January 2016

What We Want To Be

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with morning activity. Today we wrote Mr. Fisher's ties. We had to make a guess about how many he has, what colours we think they are, and if I got a new tie what would it look like. We had to write 6 sentences.

In gym we did Mission Impossible, we will also be doing it on Friday.

After gym, we learned more about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We watched a couple of videos about the things he did to change the world. We found out that he fought for the rights of black people in the United States. He participated in many marches for people's rights. We also talked about freedom and what that word means.

After recess, room 7 had music and learning commons while room 8 worked on math.

This afternoon, we started with quiet reading and then partner reading.

To finish our afternoon we worked on Social Studies. We talked about jobs. We watched a video about jobs and then brainstormed jobs in Alberta. For our activity, we wrote in our sketchbooks about what we would like to be when we grow up. We had to write two reasons why and draw a picture.

Lastly, we did a movement break from Gonoodle and did blog.

Reminders, there is early dismissal on Friday, we are done at 11am.

Room 8 will have library tomorrow so please bring your books.

Have a great evening!

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.

Good afternoon!

We started the morning by cleaning our classroom! Unfortunately, after we completed our dioramas yesterday afternoon, we didn't really clean our classroom properly. We had paint spills and materials all over the floor. We decided it was important to take some time to create a neat and tidy workspace for the rest of our day.

Right before gym, we read the true story behind our novel study book, The One and Only Ivan. The true story picture book is called Ivan: The Remarkable True Story of the Shopping Mall Gorilla. It was pretty fascinating to find out that the real Ivan didn't see any gorillas for nearly the first 30 years of his life because he lived in a shopping centre.

We LOVED gym today. We started our Mission Impossible unit which is all about obstacles. Today we learned the course, and tomorrow we start competing on it.

After gym, we made another poster for our classroom, this one was all about VERBS! We learned that a verb is an action word such as swimming, riding, skating, and dancing.

When we came in from recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music, while Mr. Fisher's class worked on their spelling from yesterday.

After lunch, we worked on our silent reading again... still trying to make it to 20 minutes. We spent the rest of the afternoon learning about Martin Luther King and how he fought for freedom. In order to reflect on how important this man was, we wrote a journal reflection which included what we learned and what freedom means to us.

Right before the final bell, we took a little movement break to get all of our energy out before we head home!


FUN LUNCH orders are due back this Thursday, January 21st. NO outstanding orders will be accepted.


Monday 18 January 2016

Word Families

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with morning activity. We worked on word families. It was our job to create words by rolling a dice.

After morning activity, we did spelling. We worked in two groups to complete spelling this week. There are two different sets of words.

Group 1:


Group 2:


After spelling we had gym. We will be starting Mission Impossible tomorrow. Please make sure you have shoes that can tighten and comfy clothing.

This afternoon we finished up our diorama's for The One and Only Ivan. They are looking amazing! To finish our novel study we will be writing a reflection tomorrow.

Have a great evening!

Friday 15 January 2016

Happy Friday!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with morning activity. Our morning activity was to play hangman or word scramble with a partner. After that, we played bingo. Congratulations to our winners!

Today in gym we did fitness Friday. During fitness Friday we work on our fitness in teams. Some of our exercises were; super bananas, mountain climbers, push ups, burpees, bench dips, jumping jacks, squats, and lunges.

After gym we did our spelling test. Most of the students did very well!

After recess, room 8 had music and room 7 did some work on health. Then, we worked on word work until lunch.

After lunch we worked on social studies. For our intro we watched a clip from Bee Movie. We looked for the different jobs that bees had.

Reminder, fun lunch forms are due on January 21st.

Book orders are due on Monday!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday 14 January 2016

Making Ivan's Domain

Wow! We had such a BUSY day today!

During Morning Activity we wrote a story using nouns, which we have been learning. A noun is a person, place, or a thing. We had to write 5 sentences, and use 5 nouns in our stories. We practiced this up until gym. When we came back from gym, we finished our Novel Study book, The One and Only Ivan. It was important for us to reflect and write about our favourite parts of the story. Most of us agreed that Ivan moving to the zoo was one of the best parts because we realized that he deserved better than living in a mall.

Mr. Fisher's class went to music after Morning Recess, while Ms. Zimmermann's class continued working on our Alphabet Noun Hunt. We continued working on this and some other projects up until lunch time.

After lunch, we did a little bit of quiet reading and had a movement break. We spent part of the movement break dancing and then we did some quiet yoga. It was a great break before we started creating Ivan's domain in our dioramas. We used shoe boxes, felt paper, clay, paint, pipe cleaners and so much more! We had a lot of fun doing this and we will finish them up tomorrow afternoon. Our imagination shined through.

Mr. Fisher and Ms. Zimmermann both request that their Book Order forms come back by Monday, January, 18. We will place orders immediately so they must be in on time if you plan to get something.

IMPORTANT NOTE (Ms. Zimmermann's class):
Please only bring in book orders paid for by one of the following three ways:
3. PAPER CASH (coins WILL NOT be accepted)

Thank you!

Wednesday 13 January 2016

New Movement Breaks!

Good afternoon, 

This morning we started with morning activity. We had to find a noun to match every letter of the alphabet. We needed to use nouns that were in the classroom. We also made an anchor chart about nouns. We gave some examples of people, places, and things. 

After gym we continued reading our novel, it looks like we will be finished by tomorrow. Today we made some predictions about how we think the book will end. 

After recess, room 8 had music while room 7 did some tidying up. We made sure our middle bins were neat and then we read a story. 

This afternoon we continued working on our centres. Today, room 8 worked with Mr. Fisher and room 7 worked with Ms. Zimmermann. We are going to be wrapping up this math unit in the next few days. Next, we will be working on adding and subtracting. 

We finished off our day by trying out some new movement breaks. We visited a site called gonoodle. On the site you can create your own character and try out different activities. As we do more we will get to pick new characters. If you want to try at home you can visit

As a note, some parents have been experiencing trouble with email subscribing. While we look into this you can always visit the actual website that our blog is on. 

To access it, go to and click on student agendas. 

Have a great evening!

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Centres Galore!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with morning activity. It was to do 5 task cards before gym. We used our word wall words for this week.

After gym we continued reading The One and Only Ivan. During our story today Ivan moved to the zoo. At the zoo there are other gorillas. There was an outside with grass, birds, and flowers. Ivan is the silverback. He was feeling worried about that.

After recess, room 7 had music and room 8 worked some spelling work. Following that we did ketchup until lunch.

After lunch, we did some quiet reading. Then, we worked in our centres. Our projects are coming along nicely.

Reminders, recorder forms must be returned ASAP!

Both classes will be having library tomorrow. Please return your books.

Fun lunch forms are due back on Thursday, January 21st.

Have a great evening!

Monday 11 January 2016

Busy Week Ahead

We hope everyone had a safe and wonderful weekend... it seems that we all had some time to relax.

This morning, we wrote in our journals about how we spent our weekend. It is important for us to connect what we do outside of school to our learning. 

We were introduced to our new spelling words for the week, they are as follows:


Some of our words seem tricky this week, but with lots of practice we can all do great. We learned about some of the letter blends and sounds in our words such as 'oat', 'aw' and 'all'. Our spelling test will be on Friday. 

After recess, we continued to work on our journals and spelling which we didn't quite finish before gym. 

When we came back from lunch, we practiced our quiet reading again. We are getting better every day, but we still have lots of work to do before we can read quietly for 20 minutes.

We spent the afternoon working on our Novel Study activity centers. Each day, the Grade 2 classes will rotate between the three Grade 2 teachers, and each teacher will help them finish a different project. It will be lots of fun, and our finished work will look fantastic. 

A couple reminders for the week:

The new before and after school program flyers should be returned as soon as possible (they are wanting to get started during February).

Any outstanding recorder forms/payment MUST be handed in sometime this week.

We have a Pizza Hut Fun Lunch coming up on January 28th. The envelopes were handed out today and are due back by January 21st (THIS THURSDAY) for those who wish to partake.

Friday 8 January 2016

It's Friday!

Good afternoon,

We started today by playing hangman or word scramble with our word wall words. After that we did bingo, congratulations to our winner!

After bingo, we had our spelling test. Marked tests will be coming home today.

Today in gym we did fitness friday. We did some warm ups and then we did skipping or hula hooping.

After gym, we read from our novel. We are getting very close to the end of The One and Only Ivan. Today we found out that Ivan and Ruby are leaving the mall. We wrote a journal entry about where we think they are going and what we think it will be like there. Predictions included, going to a zoo and going back to the wild.

After recess, room 7 had music and room 8 did a tidy up of their middle bins. Room 8 also a story.

After lunch we did quiet reading. We are getting better at reading for longer. We are aiming for about 20 minutes of silent reading.

For the remainder of the afternoon we did math and ketchup. We finished off our math centres.

Reminder, recorder forms are due to Mr. Rattan by Monday! Before and after school care forms can still be returned to the teacher.

Thursday 7 January 2016

More Math!

Today was a busy day, we did lots of Language Arts and a lot more Math!

We started the day with a BIG goal... finishing 6 task cards before gym! We did awesome because most of us finished at least 4 or 5, and some even got 6 done. It was a lot of fun and a great way to continue practicing our Word Wall words.

After gym, we continued on in our Novel Study of The One & Only Ivan. Today we found out that all the attention at the mall meant that Ruby was going to a new home. A box arrived for her to be moved to the zoo, but she didn't want to go. She was worried that she was going to a bad place where she wouldn't find any new friends.

It was a cold and snowy recess, but afterwards Ms. Zimmermann's class went to Music and then onto Learning Commons. While they were doing that, Mr. Fisher's class read a story and did some work around it, including making connections and finding something that reminds you of something else. It was tricky, but we all did great.

Unfortunately, we didn't get through our Math centers yesterday, so we continued them today. Our FAVOURITE centre was The Treasure Chest Game, but all the others were fun too. Standard Measurement, Shape Sorting, Hundreds Tens and Ones, Non Standard Measurement and Sorting by Weight, Size, and Shape were the other centers we all participated in.

A couple reminders for tomorrow:

RECORDER FORMS are due by MONDAY, JANUARY 11th at the latest.

We also have our SPELLING TEST tomorrow!
Our spelling words are listed below as a friendly reminder:


Wednesday 6 January 2016

Math centers!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with morning activity. We did some work with our word wall words. We created sentences. We had to write word family words for the ill, ell, and ess endings.

After morning activity we read a story called Dear Baobab. The story was about a young boy who moved to Canada from Africa. In Africa, he had many friends and there was a big Baobab tree in his village. In Canada there is a small spruce tree in his front yard. The boy talks about how he often feels like he doesn't belong because he is a newcomer. We did some writing about times when we have felt we didn't belong.

After gym we finished working on our Dear Baobab writing until recess.

After recess, room 7 had music and library.

This afternoon we started with quick read. After our read we did word work. We did a letter blend. Today we worked on ng. We had to find words with ng in the middle and at the end.

For the remainder of the afternoon we did math. We worked on several math centers. They are a review of all the math concepts we have covered so far. Including; place value, number, and measurement.

There is a form coming home today about Beddington Height's new before and after school care. If you are interested please fill out and return the form.

Room 8 will have library tomorrow.

Have a great evening!

Tuesday 5 January 2016

It's Over Already?!

Welcome back!

Today was our first day back and we were super excited to see all of our friends!

We took some time right after the morning bell to talk about some of the rules and routines that we have in our classroom, just to remind us what we should be doing during the second half of our school year. We talked about what kind of voices we should be using during our work times and respectful ways of acting at the carpet.

It was important for us to learn how everyone spent their Winter Break, so we wrote 6 sentences in our journals talking about who we got to see over the break, some of the fun things we did, and how tired we all are.

We jumped right into our spelling words this morning as well, and our new words for this week are:


It was important for us to learn the sounds of these words, so we came up with some rhyming words for each. Our spelling test will be done on Friday.

After lunch, we talked about what we celebrate on December 31st... New Years Eve. We completed an activity which made us look back and reflect on what a wonderful year 2015 was. This included: best memory, best idea, favorite food, what we're proud of, and how we like to spend our time.
We also took the time to look ahead to what 2016 has in store for us, and some of the things we want to accomplish. After discussing why we do this, we all set the following: new foods we want try, new books we want to read, something we want to learn, and 3 personal goals. We are excited about everything we can accomplish this new year!

Mr. Fisher's class has library tomorrow. If anyone has any outstanding books, please be sure to bring them in tomorrow. Ms. Zimmermann's class will have library on Thursday this week.

Our Scholastic book order finally came in, so they will be sent home in the next couple days. Thank you for your patience.