Wednesday 6 January 2016

Math centers!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with morning activity. We did some work with our word wall words. We created sentences. We had to write word family words for the ill, ell, and ess endings.

After morning activity we read a story called Dear Baobab. The story was about a young boy who moved to Canada from Africa. In Africa, he had many friends and there was a big Baobab tree in his village. In Canada there is a small spruce tree in his front yard. The boy talks about how he often feels like he doesn't belong because he is a newcomer. We did some writing about times when we have felt we didn't belong.

After gym we finished working on our Dear Baobab writing until recess.

After recess, room 7 had music and library.

This afternoon we started with quick read. After our read we did word work. We did a letter blend. Today we worked on ng. We had to find words with ng in the middle and at the end.

For the remainder of the afternoon we did math. We worked on several math centers. They are a review of all the math concepts we have covered so far. Including; place value, number, and measurement.

There is a form coming home today about Beddington Height's new before and after school care. If you are interested please fill out and return the form.

Room 8 will have library tomorrow.

Have a great evening!

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