Tuesday 12 January 2016

Centres Galore!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with morning activity. It was to do 5 task cards before gym. We used our word wall words for this week.

After gym we continued reading The One and Only Ivan. During our story today Ivan moved to the zoo. At the zoo there are other gorillas. There was an outside with grass, birds, and flowers. Ivan is the silverback. He was feeling worried about that.

After recess, room 7 had music and room 8 worked some spelling work. Following that we did ketchup until lunch.

After lunch, we did some quiet reading. Then, we worked in our centres. Our projects are coming along nicely.

Reminders, recorder forms must be returned ASAP!

Both classes will be having library tomorrow. Please return your books.

Fun lunch forms are due back on Thursday, January 21st.

Have a great evening!

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