Monday 11 January 2016

Busy Week Ahead

We hope everyone had a safe and wonderful weekend... it seems that we all had some time to relax.

This morning, we wrote in our journals about how we spent our weekend. It is important for us to connect what we do outside of school to our learning. 

We were introduced to our new spelling words for the week, they are as follows:


Some of our words seem tricky this week, but with lots of practice we can all do great. We learned about some of the letter blends and sounds in our words such as 'oat', 'aw' and 'all'. Our spelling test will be on Friday. 

After recess, we continued to work on our journals and spelling which we didn't quite finish before gym. 

When we came back from lunch, we practiced our quiet reading again. We are getting better every day, but we still have lots of work to do before we can read quietly for 20 minutes.

We spent the afternoon working on our Novel Study activity centers. Each day, the Grade 2 classes will rotate between the three Grade 2 teachers, and each teacher will help them finish a different project. It will be lots of fun, and our finished work will look fantastic. 

A couple reminders for the week:

The new before and after school program flyers should be returned as soon as possible (they are wanting to get started during February).

Any outstanding recorder forms/payment MUST be handed in sometime this week.

We have a Pizza Hut Fun Lunch coming up on January 28th. The envelopes were handed out today and are due back by January 21st (THIS THURSDAY) for those who wish to partake.

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