Thursday 14 January 2016

Making Ivan's Domain

Wow! We had such a BUSY day today!

During Morning Activity we wrote a story using nouns, which we have been learning. A noun is a person, place, or a thing. We had to write 5 sentences, and use 5 nouns in our stories. We practiced this up until gym. When we came back from gym, we finished our Novel Study book, The One and Only Ivan. It was important for us to reflect and write about our favourite parts of the story. Most of us agreed that Ivan moving to the zoo was one of the best parts because we realized that he deserved better than living in a mall.

Mr. Fisher's class went to music after Morning Recess, while Ms. Zimmermann's class continued working on our Alphabet Noun Hunt. We continued working on this and some other projects up until lunch time.

After lunch, we did a little bit of quiet reading and had a movement break. We spent part of the movement break dancing and then we did some quiet yoga. It was a great break before we started creating Ivan's domain in our dioramas. We used shoe boxes, felt paper, clay, paint, pipe cleaners and so much more! We had a lot of fun doing this and we will finish them up tomorrow afternoon. Our imagination shined through.

Mr. Fisher and Ms. Zimmermann both request that their Book Order forms come back by Monday, January, 18. We will place orders immediately so they must be in on time if you plan to get something.

IMPORTANT NOTE (Ms. Zimmermann's class):
Please only bring in book orders paid for by one of the following three ways:
3. PAPER CASH (coins WILL NOT be accepted)

Thank you!

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