Tuesday 5 January 2016

It's Over Already?!

Welcome back!

Today was our first day back and we were super excited to see all of our friends!

We took some time right after the morning bell to talk about some of the rules and routines that we have in our classroom, just to remind us what we should be doing during the second half of our school year. We talked about what kind of voices we should be using during our work times and respectful ways of acting at the carpet.

It was important for us to learn how everyone spent their Winter Break, so we wrote 6 sentences in our journals talking about who we got to see over the break, some of the fun things we did, and how tired we all are.

We jumped right into our spelling words this morning as well, and our new words for this week are:


It was important for us to learn the sounds of these words, so we came up with some rhyming words for each. Our spelling test will be done on Friday.

After lunch, we talked about what we celebrate on December 31st... New Years Eve. We completed an activity which made us look back and reflect on what a wonderful year 2015 was. This included: best memory, best idea, favorite food, what we're proud of, and how we like to spend our time.
We also took the time to look ahead to what 2016 has in store for us, and some of the things we want to accomplish. After discussing why we do this, we all set the following: new foods we want try, new books we want to read, something we want to learn, and 3 personal goals. We are excited about everything we can accomplish this new year!

Mr. Fisher's class has library tomorrow. If anyone has any outstanding books, please be sure to bring them in tomorrow. Ms. Zimmermann's class will have library on Thursday this week.

Our Scholastic book order finally came in, so they will be sent home in the next couple days. Thank you for your patience.

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