Tuesday 26 January 2016

Lots of Language

Good afternoon!

We started our day by meeting at the carpet to discuss how we learn in our classroom (i.e. respect for self, others, and place) and continued to write in our journals about how we each learn and what we can do to help everyone around us learn as well.

Today was our second last day of Mission Impossible, that means it ends tomorrow! It's a close race, so boys or girls can still win it at this point.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music, and recorders were handed out. While Room 8 was in music, Mr. Fisher's class worked on getting some previous work completed. When we were all together again, we did a quick movement break and did our spelling work.

We read silently after lunch for 20 minutes, and then moved on to finishing the spelling work we started before lunch. We were very noisy and rude at the carpet before our next activity, so we took some time to practice what a calm, respectful classroom looks and sounds like. We read a story and did a big clean up before final dismissal.


Fun Lunch is this Thursday if you are participating!

Please look out for the yellow letter regarding a practice lockdown this Thursday (the letter was sent home today in everyone's Home Folder).

January 27th (TOMORROW) is Family Literacy Day across Canada. Below is a little bit of information on how you can take part.

Just 15 minutes a day can help develop long-lasting literacy skills in children and help parents and caregivers build positive, strong bonds with their children.
Here are some fun ways your family can mark Family Literacy Day
  • "How was your day today?" Have your child write and share notes (sticky notes are always a big hit) or keep a journal about their day . . . and you do the same.
  • Have a game night Gather and play your family's favourite board games. Take turns reading the instructions, game cards or keeping score.  
  • Lights out, talk on! After bedtime stories with your child, turn off the lights and stay and chat. 
  • Review your home library! Check through your family's books. Choose some to reread. If you're ready to part with any, please donate them to Calgary Reads. They will help supply the yearly fundraising event, the CBC Calgary / Calgary Reads Big Book Sale or the Calgary Reads Book Bank that gets books into the hands of Calgary children who have few or none of their own.

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