Friday 29 April 2016

Happy Friday

Good afternoon,

Today we started with quiet reading. After that, we played hangman or word scramble with our word wall words. Once we done that, we did some work on the smartboard. We made some numbers with base ten blocks.

Then, we had gym. During gym we played fireball.

After gym we read from our new book, Silverwing by Kenneth Oppel. When we finished our first chapter. We also read a little bit from a non-fiction book about bats. We will become bat experts over the next little while.

After recess, room 8 had music while room 7 did some ketchup.

Then, we did our spelling test before lunch.

After lunch, we did quiet reading.

Following that, we learned about traditional Inuit clothing. Then, we created our own traditional clothing design and wrote 3 sentences about it.

We finished with our non-fiction book about bats and blog!

Tomorrow is the Bridge club field trip. If you are in Bridge club, please meet at the school.

Have a good weekend!

Thursday 28 April 2016

A Little Bit of Everything.

Good afternoon!

We had a very busy day today and there was a lot going on. Thank you to everyone who participated in Jersey Day!

Our morning started with some quiet reading before we did some more of our addition strategies. We are practicing lots of different strategies and trying new things to help us add big and small numbers together. Encourage your child to share some of the strategies that help them the most.

When we came back from gym, we had to work on 2 or more task cards with a partner quietly. Our spelling test is tomorrow so we wanted to practice our words a little more. After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class did some catch up work before going to library. In the meantime, Mr. Fisher's class went to music and read a story.

After our Fun Lunch, we did some quiet reading before having a chance to do a partner read. We then spent some time finishing up our science experiment from yesterday which involved recording our data (what actually happened) and making a conclusion (what we learned). We took the rest of the day to do more math! We came up with 7 addition questions and we had to try 3 easier ones and 2 harder ones.


Tomorrow is our Spelling Test! Be sure to practice, practice, practice tonight so you're ready!

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Blubber Experiment

Good afternoon!

We started our day with some quiet reading as it seems to prepare us for the day. Right before gym, we took some time to finish off our spelling work from yesterday.

After gym, we continued practicing our math strategies before we went outside for recess. When we came inside, Ms. Zimmermann's class went to music and then did some catch up work, while Mr. Fisher's class listened to a story and went to the library.

When we came in from lunch, we continued with some more quiet reading before moving onto a science experiment. We did some more work about hot and cold and how insulation changes the temperature of things. We talked more about blubber before beginning our experiment. Our experiment involved 3 tubs of water (i.e. cold, warm, and hot) and ziploc bags filled with vegetable shortening (acting as blubber). Students were surprised to feel the results as they each got to test the water both with and without the blubber bag. We will continue filling out our experiment worksheet tomorrow. Ask your child to tell you everything they learned during the experiment!

We did a short movement break, and read a story before we cleaned up to go home.


TOMORROW is Jersey Day to support our Reading... Give it a Shot!

TOMORROW is also Fun Lunch for anyone who is participating!

Ms. Zimmermann's class has library tomorrow... please bring any outstanding books back!

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Back at it...

Welcome back after that extra long weekend! It was great to see some friendly faces during our Math Showcase on Thursday night.

We had a pretty tough day with lots of chatting and off task behavior. We started our morning with some quiet reading which went very well before we did some journal writing about our weekends. When we got back from gym, we got our new spelling words for the week.

Ms. Zimmermann's Group:


Mr. Fisher's Group


After recess, Mr. Fisher's class went to music while Ms. Zimmermann's class worked on some outstanding Social Studies and Science work. When we all got together before lunch, we talked about what it means to think before we speak and how that helps us become better people.

T.... is it true?
H... is it helpful?
I....  is it inspiring?
N... is it necessary?
K... is it kind?

This afternoon, we resumed with some quiet reading before Ms. Binks joined us for math. We continued practicing some addition strategies to help us add 2 numbers together right up until the end of the day.


Mr. Fisher's class has library TOMORROW! Please remember to bring in your books.

Thursday, April 28th is FUN LUNCH for anybody who is participating!

Thursday, April 28th will also be JERSEY DAY as part of our Reading... Give it a Shot program!
You may wear the sports jersey of your favourite athlete or sports team on this day.

Thursday 21 April 2016

Math Showcase Tonight!

Good morning,

Today we had a short day. We started with quiet reading. Reminder that "Reading Give it a Shot," is still happen so keep track of your reading time.

After reading, we did our spelling test.

For most of our morning, we were in rehearsal for tonight's math showcase. The students learned how to play all of the games so they can show you tonight. There are two sessions that you can book a time for, 6-7pm and 7-8pm. Hope to see you there!

We finished our day with blog and super star student.

Reminder, no school tomorrow or Monday! Enjoy your long weekend!

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Math, math, math!

Happy Wednesday!

Today, we did A LOT of math. We started our morning with some quiet reading to try something new. We did such a great job settling down and reading for about 30 minutes. After our reading, we tried some mystery math before gym (i.e. 7 + _____ = 12).

We had a fire drill right as we were cleaning up for gym. As we were outside we went straight into gym and did fitness as it was our last day of outdoor phys. ed for the week. When we came inside, we worked very quietly on 3 task cards before recess.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class went to music while Mr. Fisher's class listened to a story. While Ms. Zimmermann's class worked on some catch up work, Mr. Fisher's class had library.

This afternoon, we did some more quiet reading before Mr. Fisher read us a story. We all came together to work on some addition strategies that Ms. Zimmermann and Ms. Binks taught us. Once we brainstormed a bunch of different strategies, we got a chance to test them out on 5 different questions. All that math took us until the end of the day.


Early Dismissal is TOMORROW at 11:00AM. There is NO SCHOOL on Friday or Monday!

Ms. Zimmermann's class will still have library tomorrow, but it will be earlier in the day. Please return any library books that you still have at home!

Math Showcase is tomorrow night from 6:00PM to 8:00PM. Please sign up online if you would like to attend with your child(ren).

Tuesday 19 April 2016

What is Adding?

Good afternoon,

Today our morning activity was a question on math. It was, "write down everything you know about adding." We will be working on addition and subtraction for the rest of the year. This was to start off of our unit. 

After we wrote in our math books we got together at the carpet and came up with a list of things we know about adding. We came up with some great ideas. Then, we came up with a math problem so we could evenly distribute our playground equipment. 

Noah gave us an adding strategy called, counting on. 

After recess, room 7 had music while room 8  read a story. Until lunch we did ketchup. 

This afternoon, we did a quiet read and then we finished up our math. After that, we met our reading buddies outside and did a playground clean up. 

Don't forget to book a time for math showcase!!

Have a great evening!

Monday 18 April 2016


Good afternoon,

This morning we started by writing a letter to our favourite TV or cartoon character. We had to write six sentences and use lots of juicy words. We also had to make sure we used a proper letter writing format.

After that, we went outside for gym.

Following gym we worked on ketchup. We are trying to finish up a few projects because we will be wrapping up some units soon.

After recess, room 8 had music while room 7 read a story. For the last half hour before lunch we got our new word wall words.

This afternoon, we learned about the traditional homes of the Inuit people. They are called igloos. We talked about how igloos are built and how they keep people warm.

Then, we built our own igloo using sugar cubes. We were only given a certain amount of cubes and had to make sure to do some planning. It was tricky to get the cubes to stick together, but we will continue to work on it.

Remember math showcase is coming up this week, make sure to book a time!

Thursday 14 April 2016

Busy Day

Good afternoon,

This morning we started by quiet reading.

After quiet reading we did some language arts. Today we worked on a climbing story. We did our climbing story in our journal. While we working on this we had a visit from Mrs. Brink in grade 3/4.

Next, we did math. We did a number of the day. Our number of the day was 26. We had to write it, draw it, add, subtract, and we had to do some skip counting. We also made 3 increasing patterns. While we worked we had a visit from Mr. Beechey and Ms. Gaspar from grade 3/4. The teachers visited each other as a part of our professional development to get new ideas.

After recess, we did some task cards. Mr. Fisher and Ms. Zimmermann visited some other teachers while Ms. Binks and Mr. Sadowsky were with our classes.

This afternoon, we had silent reading.

We had a bit a switch up and we had our gym in the afternoon. We went outside and played a game. We played a game called "hula-hoop freeze tag." It's just like freeze tag but with hula-hoops.

Fun lunch forms are due tomorrow.

Spelling test will be tomorrow.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Roll to 100!

Good afternoon,

Today we started with math practice. Our number of the day was 112. We had to add, subtract, write the next odd numbers, and write the next even numbers. We also drew our number using blocks. Then, we created an increasing pattern.

During gym today, we played a game. We had to tag other people by pulling out their "fox tail." For our "fox tails" we used a pinny.

After gym, we did ketchup. Today was our last day to work on our pen-pal letters. We will be sending them off today.

After recess, room 7 had music and library while room 8 worked on health.

Following lunch, we did our quiet reading. Then, Ms. Binks came to our class to work on math. Today, we made an assessment for our Roll to 100 game. We decided on what we should be marked on and created a scale to use.

To finish our afternoon we read from our book Polar Bears Past Bedtime.

Reminder that room 8 has library tomorrow, please bring back your book.

Reading Give it a Shot is still happening. If you read 100 minutes you get a hockey card. Students can read at home or at school.

The lost and found items will be taken in on Friday. Please stop by to have a look.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Penpal Letters and Social

Good afternoon,

We started our morning by writing sentences that had a noun, verb, and adjective in each one. We had to trace over those words in certain colours. After gym, we continued working on our Penpal Letters. They will be sent out in the mail THIS Wednesday, so we are trying to get them done.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music again while Mr. Fisher's class listened to a video story. We worked on some Social and Science work before lunch.

When we came in from lunch, we did some quiet reading and a partner read before we learned something new about Nunavut. Today we learned all about the weather they have there. Did you know that they have winter for 9 months of the year and the average temperature is -30 degrees Celsius. In their summer months, the average temperature is 9 degrees Celsius. We also found out that sometimes, Nunavut only gets 3 hours of sunlight as the sun rises and sets within a four hour period. We did some work brainstorming ways to stay healthy in cold weather and the types of jobs people have in these areas as well.

Mr. Fisher's class has library tomorrow and Ms. Zimmermann on Thursday. Please return any outstanding items. If your child received a letter regarding LOST BOOK charges, please send in the amount for Mrs. P.

Remember to track Reading... Give it a Shot
100 minutes = 1 Calgary Flames trading card
2, 400 minutes = playing hockey against the teachers

Remember to track Home Reading if your child would like to participate in the next reward... our marble jar is filling quickly.


Fun Lunch envelopes are due back this Friday, April 15th.

Ms. Hayes will be donating all the Lost and Never Found items this Friday after school. Please check to see if there is anything that belongs to your child in there.

Language Monday

Good afternoon everyone!

We kicked off our morning with a math problem. Our number of the day was 73, and we had 5 things to do with that number. We had to draw it using base ten blocks, add 8, subtract 13, show the next 6 even numbers and the next 4 odd numbers. We also had to create one increasing pattern.
Note: Some of Ms. Zimmermann's students have this for homework - please check with them.

When we came back from gym this morning, we continued working on our Penpal Letters or some Social/Science work that we hadn't yet finished.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class went to music, while Mr. Fisher's class worked on both a walking and climbing story. We got together as a group to go over spelling before lunch.

Ms. Zimmermann's Group:


Mr. Fisher's Group (8 words):


After lunch, we did some quiet reading before Ms. Bink's came to join us for some math. She taught us a game called Roll to One Hundred. We worked on this for most of the afternoon.


Fun Lunch orders went home Friday. The envelopes are due back THIS Friday, April, 15th!

Yoga Club forms went home on Friday as well. Please return ASAP if you'd like to participate.

Reading... Give it a Shot was kicked off on Friday as well. For each 100 minutes your child reads, they will collect one Calgary Flames trading card. If they read 2,400 minutes, they get to play in a hockey game against the teachers!

Monday 11 April 2016

Fun Friday!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with hangman or word scramble. We used our spelling words from this week.

After our morning activity, we had our spelling test. We did a good job of listening quietly this week.

Today was our first day of having gym outside. We played a game on the soccer field. We will be going outside as long as it is nice.

After recess, room 7 had music while room 8 did some ketchup. When we all came back together we worked on ketchup until lunch.

After lunch we did our silent reading. Then, we joined up with our reading buddies.

We finished off our afternoon with an assembly.

Our assembly was about Reading, Give It a Shot! This program encourages reading. Students will be given a reading tracking sheet. For every 100 minutes they read, the get a hockey card. They may also be entered to win some books from Mrs. Hayes.

Thursday 7 April 2016

More Penpal Letter Work

Good afternoon!

We kicked off our morning by working on 3 task cards with a partner. We then switched into working on our Penpal Letters before heading to gym. We continued with those after gym up until recess.

Ms. Zimmermann's class had music and library after recess while Mr. Fisher's class did some yoga and catch up work. When we came back from lunch, we did some quiet reading before switching into a partner read.

Mrs. Grunert's class joined us for a video about how plants and animals keep cool in the hot desert sun. We had previously explored how animals stay warm in some of the coldest places on Earth, such as the Arctic. This tied into our current science theme of hot and cold temperatures. We spent the rest of the afternoon working on some outstanding social and science work.


Scholastic orders are due TOMORROW! Please pay online, by cheque, or exact cash (no change) if you are placing an order.

Spelling Test TOMORROW!

Students who do not participate or submit Home Reading will not be allowed to participate in the next reward if the marble jar is filled.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Math & Language

Good afternoon,

For morning activity today, we did an increasing pattern. We also did a number of the day which was 64. We had to add 7, we had to subtract 12, subtract 8, we had to find the next 5 odd numbers, and the next 5 even numbers.

In gym we continued our stations. We could do overhand or underhand throwing in lacrosse, in hockey we could use the regular sticks, and in football we could throw at the nets or the pylons.

After gym, we worked on our pen-pal letters.

Following recess, room 7 had music and library while room 8 did health.

After lunch, we did our silent reading.

For the rest of our afternoon, we worked on science. Our current science unit is connected to our social studies unit about the arctic. We will be learning about hot and cold temperature. Today we talked about various ways we could heat or cool our homes. We came up with a list as a group and then made one independently.

Reminder, book orders are due on Friday.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

More About Nunavut

Good afternoon!

We started our morning with an increasing pattern and an addition/subtraction question. We were given the core of a pattern and we had to increase it. Once we did that, we did a math question starting with the number 55.

After gym, we continued on with our Pen Pal Letters. We are working very hard, and some of us will get to start our good copy tomorrow. When we came in from recess, Mr. Fisher's class went to music while Ms. Zimmermann's class finished their new name tags for their coat hooks. When we all gathered before lunch, we read a story and did some show and tell.

After lunch, we did some silent reading before getting together with Mrs. Grunert's class to map Nunavut. We coloured in the water surrounding the territory, the main land, and surrounding islands. We also had to locate and label Iqaluit on our maps.


  • Scholastic orders are DUE this FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 2016!

Monday 4 April 2016

Busy Monday

Happy Monday!

We had quite a busy day covering lots of different information. We started the morning by writing a walking story about our weekends. We wrote up until gym where we continued with our activity stations.

Before recess, we continued to work on our Pen Pal Letters. We are hoping to send them out by the end of the week if we can. After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music while Mr. Fisher's class did a read-aloud. When we all gathered before lunch, we got our new spelling words for the week.

Group One (Ms. Zimmermann)


Group Two (Mr. Fisher)


After lunch, we did some great silent reading before getting together with Mrs. Grunert's class  to learn some science. Today's topic was all about temperature, and things that are hotter or colder than Nunavut. We came up with different planets, countries, and items before we labelled a giant thermometer. Before our clean up, we read some more of our book Polar Bears Past Bedtime.


  • Scholastic orders went home Friday... please return no later than THIS Friday, April 8, 2016.