Wednesday 27 April 2016

Blubber Experiment

Good afternoon!

We started our day with some quiet reading as it seems to prepare us for the day. Right before gym, we took some time to finish off our spelling work from yesterday.

After gym, we continued practicing our math strategies before we went outside for recess. When we came inside, Ms. Zimmermann's class went to music and then did some catch up work, while Mr. Fisher's class listened to a story and went to the library.

When we came in from lunch, we continued with some more quiet reading before moving onto a science experiment. We did some more work about hot and cold and how insulation changes the temperature of things. We talked more about blubber before beginning our experiment. Our experiment involved 3 tubs of water (i.e. cold, warm, and hot) and ziploc bags filled with vegetable shortening (acting as blubber). Students were surprised to feel the results as they each got to test the water both with and without the blubber bag. We will continue filling out our experiment worksheet tomorrow. Ask your child to tell you everything they learned during the experiment!

We did a short movement break, and read a story before we cleaned up to go home.


TOMORROW is Jersey Day to support our Reading... Give it a Shot!

TOMORROW is also Fun Lunch for anyone who is participating!

Ms. Zimmermann's class has library tomorrow... please bring any outstanding books back!

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