Wednesday 13 April 2016

Roll to 100!

Good afternoon,

Today we started with math practice. Our number of the day was 112. We had to add, subtract, write the next odd numbers, and write the next even numbers. We also drew our number using blocks. Then, we created an increasing pattern.

During gym today, we played a game. We had to tag other people by pulling out their "fox tail." For our "fox tails" we used a pinny.

After gym, we did ketchup. Today was our last day to work on our pen-pal letters. We will be sending them off today.

After recess, room 7 had music and library while room 8 worked on health.

Following lunch, we did our quiet reading. Then, Ms. Binks came to our class to work on math. Today, we made an assessment for our Roll to 100 game. We decided on what we should be marked on and created a scale to use.

To finish our afternoon we read from our book Polar Bears Past Bedtime.

Reminder that room 8 has library tomorrow, please bring back your book.

Reading Give it a Shot is still happening. If you read 100 minutes you get a hockey card. Students can read at home or at school.

The lost and found items will be taken in on Friday. Please stop by to have a look.

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