Thursday 14 April 2016

Busy Day

Good afternoon,

This morning we started by quiet reading.

After quiet reading we did some language arts. Today we worked on a climbing story. We did our climbing story in our journal. While we working on this we had a visit from Mrs. Brink in grade 3/4.

Next, we did math. We did a number of the day. Our number of the day was 26. We had to write it, draw it, add, subtract, and we had to do some skip counting. We also made 3 increasing patterns. While we worked we had a visit from Mr. Beechey and Ms. Gaspar from grade 3/4. The teachers visited each other as a part of our professional development to get new ideas.

After recess, we did some task cards. Mr. Fisher and Ms. Zimmermann visited some other teachers while Ms. Binks and Mr. Sadowsky were with our classes.

This afternoon, we had silent reading.

We had a bit a switch up and we had our gym in the afternoon. We went outside and played a game. We played a game called "hula-hoop freeze tag." It's just like freeze tag but with hula-hoops.

Fun lunch forms are due tomorrow.

Spelling test will be tomorrow.

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