Wednesday 6 April 2016

Math & Language

Good afternoon,

For morning activity today, we did an increasing pattern. We also did a number of the day which was 64. We had to add 7, we had to subtract 12, subtract 8, we had to find the next 5 odd numbers, and the next 5 even numbers.

In gym we continued our stations. We could do overhand or underhand throwing in lacrosse, in hockey we could use the regular sticks, and in football we could throw at the nets or the pylons.

After gym, we worked on our pen-pal letters.

Following recess, room 7 had music and library while room 8 did health.

After lunch, we did our silent reading.

For the rest of our afternoon, we worked on science. Our current science unit is connected to our social studies unit about the arctic. We will be learning about hot and cold temperature. Today we talked about various ways we could heat or cool our homes. We came up with a list as a group and then made one independently.

Reminder, book orders are due on Friday.

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