Monday 18 April 2016


Good afternoon,

This morning we started by writing a letter to our favourite TV or cartoon character. We had to write six sentences and use lots of juicy words. We also had to make sure we used a proper letter writing format.

After that, we went outside for gym.

Following gym we worked on ketchup. We are trying to finish up a few projects because we will be wrapping up some units soon.

After recess, room 8 had music while room 7 read a story. For the last half hour before lunch we got our new word wall words.

This afternoon, we learned about the traditional homes of the Inuit people. They are called igloos. We talked about how igloos are built and how they keep people warm.

Then, we built our own igloo using sugar cubes. We were only given a certain amount of cubes and had to make sure to do some planning. It was tricky to get the cubes to stick together, but we will continue to work on it.

Remember math showcase is coming up this week, make sure to book a time!

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