Wednesday 20 April 2016

Math, math, math!

Happy Wednesday!

Today, we did A LOT of math. We started our morning with some quiet reading to try something new. We did such a great job settling down and reading for about 30 minutes. After our reading, we tried some mystery math before gym (i.e. 7 + _____ = 12).

We had a fire drill right as we were cleaning up for gym. As we were outside we went straight into gym and did fitness as it was our last day of outdoor phys. ed for the week. When we came inside, we worked very quietly on 3 task cards before recess.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class went to music while Mr. Fisher's class listened to a story. While Ms. Zimmermann's class worked on some catch up work, Mr. Fisher's class had library.

This afternoon, we did some more quiet reading before Mr. Fisher read us a story. We all came together to work on some addition strategies that Ms. Zimmermann and Ms. Binks taught us. Once we brainstormed a bunch of different strategies, we got a chance to test them out on 5 different questions. All that math took us until the end of the day.


Early Dismissal is TOMORROW at 11:00AM. There is NO SCHOOL on Friday or Monday!

Ms. Zimmermann's class will still have library tomorrow, but it will be earlier in the day. Please return any library books that you still have at home!

Math Showcase is tomorrow night from 6:00PM to 8:00PM. Please sign up online if you would like to attend with your child(ren).

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