Tuesday 12 April 2016

Penpal Letters and Social

Good afternoon,

We started our morning by writing sentences that had a noun, verb, and adjective in each one. We had to trace over those words in certain colours. After gym, we continued working on our Penpal Letters. They will be sent out in the mail THIS Wednesday, so we are trying to get them done.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music again while Mr. Fisher's class listened to a video story. We worked on some Social and Science work before lunch.

When we came in from lunch, we did some quiet reading and a partner read before we learned something new about Nunavut. Today we learned all about the weather they have there. Did you know that they have winter for 9 months of the year and the average temperature is -30 degrees Celsius. In their summer months, the average temperature is 9 degrees Celsius. We also found out that sometimes, Nunavut only gets 3 hours of sunlight as the sun rises and sets within a four hour period. We did some work brainstorming ways to stay healthy in cold weather and the types of jobs people have in these areas as well.

Mr. Fisher's class has library tomorrow and Ms. Zimmermann on Thursday. Please return any outstanding items. If your child received a letter regarding LOST BOOK charges, please send in the amount for Mrs. P.

Remember to track Reading... Give it a Shot
100 minutes = 1 Calgary Flames trading card
2, 400 minutes = playing hockey against the teachers

Remember to track Home Reading if your child would like to participate in the next reward... our marble jar is filling quickly.


Fun Lunch envelopes are due back this Friday, April 15th.

Ms. Hayes will be donating all the Lost and Never Found items this Friday after school. Please check to see if there is anything that belongs to your child in there.

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