Thursday 28 April 2016

A Little Bit of Everything.

Good afternoon!

We had a very busy day today and there was a lot going on. Thank you to everyone who participated in Jersey Day!

Our morning started with some quiet reading before we did some more of our addition strategies. We are practicing lots of different strategies and trying new things to help us add big and small numbers together. Encourage your child to share some of the strategies that help them the most.

When we came back from gym, we had to work on 2 or more task cards with a partner quietly. Our spelling test is tomorrow so we wanted to practice our words a little more. After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class did some catch up work before going to library. In the meantime, Mr. Fisher's class went to music and read a story.

After our Fun Lunch, we did some quiet reading before having a chance to do a partner read. We then spent some time finishing up our science experiment from yesterday which involved recording our data (what actually happened) and making a conclusion (what we learned). We took the rest of the day to do more math! We came up with 7 addition questions and we had to try 3 easier ones and 2 harder ones.


Tomorrow is our Spelling Test! Be sure to practice, practice, practice tonight so you're ready!

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