Thursday 23 June 2016

Only Half a Day to Go!

We're almost there... only half of tomorrow before we are on summer vacation!

Ms. Zimmermann's class had a fun day to celebrate our last full day of Grade 2. We finished our art project this morning, before we went outside to play kickball with Mrs. Grunert's and Mr. Fisher's classes. Mr. Fisher's class also had a fun morning. We watched a movie as a reward for filling our home reading jar. When we came back inside, we had a little celebration to end the year. This afternoon, we spent time cleaning up our classroom and attending the Grade 6 Farewell Assembly.

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to our little celebration today. I really appreciate you doing that for our class.


Tomorrow is your last chance to return OVERDUE library books, or send the replacement cost.

If you will be away tomorrow, the school will need a prepaid, self-addressed envelope (8.5 X 11) to fit your child's report card. If you do not send one, you will be able to pick up their report card in September of 2016.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Last Buddy Day

Happy Wednesday!

We started our morning with some quiet reading. Ms. Zimmermann's class did some artwork that was related to our movie yesterday, Inside Out. We painted the palm of our hand white and each finger was painted a different color to represent all the emotions. Then we stamped our hand down, and tomorrow we will finish our work.

Mr. Fisher's class also started with quiet reading. Following that, we brainstormed our favourite book characters and did some writing about them. We came up with lots of good ideas!

We had outdoor Phys. Ed again today, and continued on with our stations. Ms. Zimmermann's class worked on some outstanding work until recess. Mr.  Fisher's class finished our writing on our favourite characters.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music and continued with their catch up.

Mr. Fisher's class watched a tumble book. Then, we did some math. We did some question to review everything we've done this year.

When we came inside from lunch, Ms. Zimmermann's class did some more quiet reading. We then began our Number Review. This includes a bunch of information from throughout the year including place value, addition and subtraction, and greater/less than. We worked on this quietly and independently.

For the last part of our day, we met with our buddies outside.


Outstanding books MUST be RETURNED as soon as possible. Ms. Zimmermann's class has received replacement cost notices, ask your child if they got one.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

No More Tuesdays in Grade 2

Good afternoon!

Today we started with our usual quiet reading. Mr. Fisher's class did a partner read after quiet read and caught up on some writing from the last couple days. Ms. Zimmermann's class wrote about how we would like to spend our summer vacation.

We had outdoor gym today and Mr. Fisher's class had music. After music, Mr. Fisher's class continued working on science. We looked for solids, liquids, and gases in a video we watched.

Ms. Zimmermann's class also worked on science this morning. We watched a video about fluids and talked about what we learned before we did our science experiment. We used eyedroppers to drop water onto a piece of wax paper. We recorded what shape the drops were, what happened when two drops were close together, and what happened if we added to a drop that was already there.

After lunch, we read a little bit more. Mr. Fisher's class then did their science experiment and ended the afternoon with an outdoor activity. Ms. Zimmermann's class watched the movie Inside Out as part of their Home Reading reward. We will be doing an activity that ties into the movie tomorrow.


Overdue library books need to be returned IMMEDIATELY. Those in Ms. Zimmermann's class who have outstanding books were sent home with a notice regarding the replacement amount for the missing items.

On Wednesday, June 22nd (TOMORROW), the school will have a SPIRIT DAY (Favourite Storybook Character) to end the year off with some Beluga pride. Earlier in the month we collected donations for the Fort McMurray forest fires and we raised over $700! Thanks to these generous donations, all students in the school are invited to participate and share their Beluga pride.

If you would like, you can come to school tomorrow dressed as your favorite book character! 
  • costumes may not include masks or any props that will distract from learning or cause issues at recess
  • costumes may not be gory or violent in nature and must adhere to the school's dress code           (no spaghetti straps, bare stomachs, short skirts/shorts, etc.)

Monday 20 June 2016

Last Monday of Grade 2


We kicked off this beautiful Monday with some quiet reading. Ms. Zimmermann's class worked on a bunch of math and science work this morning. Mr. Fisher's class did quiet reading and then we wrote about what we did on our weekend. We also had outdoor Phys. Ed and Ms. Zimmermann's class had music today. While Ms. Zimmermann's class was at music, Mr. Fisher's class worked on science.

Some students in Ms. Zimmermann's class have 8 spelling words this week.
The test will be on Thursday.
Mr. Fisher's class is done spelling for the year.


After lunch, we continued with our quiet reading before having a partner read. We worked on sorting numbers from least to greatest and vice versa this afternoon. Mr. Fisher's class worked on science. Our last unit is exploring liquids. We talked about what a liquid is and what makes something a liquid.

Our day ended with a SAVE Assembly from the Social Action Video club who created some films for us to watch about bullying.


Overdue library books need to be returned IMMEDIATELY. Those in Ms. Zimmermann's class who have outstanding books were sent home with a notice regarding the replacement amount for the missing items.

On Wednesday, June 22nd, the school will have a SPIRIT DAY (Favourite Storybook Character) to end the year off with some Beluga pride. Earlier in the month we collected donations for the Fort McMurray forest fires and we raised over $700! Thanks to these generous donations, all students in the school are invited to participate and share their Beluga pride.

If you would like, you can come to school on Wednesday dressed as your favorite book character! 
  • costumes may not include masks or any props that will distract from learning or cause issues at recess
  • costumes may not be gory or violent in nature and must adhere to the school's dress code           (no spaghetti straps, bare stomachs, short skirts/shorts, etc.)

Friday 17 June 2016

Fun Friday

Hi everyone,

Today we started with our usual quiet read. Following that Ms. Zimmermann's class played hangman and word scramble with our word wall words and then went outside for gym. Mr. Fisher's class wrote a letter to their grade 3 teacher. After that, they also went outside for gym.

After recess, Mr. Fisher's class had music while Ms. Zimmermann's played Bingo! and did their spelling test. When Mr. Fisher's class came back from music they read a story and did a movement break.

After lunch, we started with quiet reading. Mr. Fisher's class did their spelling test. This will be the last week of spelling for Mr. Fisher's class. Students in Ms. Zimmermann's class who are in Mr. Fisher's spelling group will have one more week.

After quiet reading, Ms. Zimmermann's class went outside to race the boats we made during our in-school field trip with Teacher's Pet. We had a class winner for fastest boat and they won a prize. Mr. Fisher's class finished the day by continuing our work on greater than and less than.


On Monday, June 20th, Ms. Zimmermann's class will be celebrating the full marble jar for Home Reading. Students are allowed to wear pajamas to school as part of their reward!

Next week is the last week of school! Please remember to return your library books. You will be charged for any outstanding books.

If you are going to be away for the last day of school, please send an envelope so we can send home your child's report card.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday 16 June 2016

More Math

Good afternoon! We're down to only 6 more days of school... it's so hard to believe.

As per usual, we did some quiet reading in the morning before getting the chance to complete 3 task cards with a partner. This is a great way for us to practice different ways of writing our Word Wall words and using them in a sentence. We went outside for a chilly gym, but continued on with our task cards when we came inside.

After gym, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music before we watched a video about how to make the same items float and sink through different methods.

Mr. Fisher's class worked on some language arts. We did some writing on Father's Day and accompanied it with a special project.

When we came in from lunch, we did some more quiet reading. This afternoon we continued learning about greater than and less than. Today we reviewed the symbols before learning about comparing numbers and ordering them from greatest to least. If we finished our work early, we did some catch up work which includes a reflection from our in-school trip about Boats & Buoyancy and our trip to the Calgary Zoo.

Mr. Fisher's class did an art project based on the work of Henri Matisse this afternoon. We learned about Matisse and what type of painter he was. Then, we created our own piece based on his work. We talked about different types of lines and how we could include these in our work.


Overdue library books MUST be RETURNED tomorrow to avoid receiving a replacement cost notice. Please do your best to find these books.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

So Much Math

Happy Wednesday!

We kicked off our morning with some quiet reading before having a special guest come visit us. Allison's mom brought in a piece of a large honeycomb she collected from a family friend's farm. The bees had built a large hive in the eaves of a barn.

After outdoor Phys. Ed., we came in to finish up math and write a reflection about our Boats and Buoyancy in-school field trip last week. When we came in from a windy recess, we worked on a special project that will go home before the end of the week.

Mr. Fisher's class also worked on a special project that will be sent home this weekend. Be on the lookout!

We continued with quiet reading after lunch, before having Ms. Binks join us for math. She taught us a lesson about comparing numbers. Some of the terms we learned include: greater than, less than, equal to. Ask your child what these mean and what the symbols look like for each. We did two different activities to practice what we learned.

Mr. Fisher's class worked on an art project this afternoon. Then, we finished our day with an outside activity.


Ms. Zimmermann will be taking photos of her students on Thursday and Friday for a special end of the year project. It is up to your child whether or not they would like to do their hair or wear something special. All will be revealed next week... please be patient with us.

PLEASE return any OUTSTANDING library books. Notices for replacement fees of items will be sent home Friday or Monday.

We have FILLED the marble jar for our Home Reading. Stay tuned to find out how we will celebrate!

Monday 13 June 2016

Language Monday

Good afternoon!

We had quite the busy day today with lots of different things going on. This morning, we started with some quiet reading before writing in our journals about how we spent the weekend. We had to include one noun, one verb, and one adjective in each sentence and trace them in different colours. We had outdoor Phys. Ed today and continued on with our writing when we came back inside.

Mr Fisher's class did the same journalling activity as Ms. Zimmermann's class.

After recess, we had some show and tell before doing yoga. We then got our new spelling words for the week and practiced them using play dough. This will be the last week of spelling words for those students who are in Ms. Zimmermann's spelling group.

Mr. Fisher's class read a story after recess. We also did some finish up work on Boats and Buoyancy.





After lunch, we continued on with quiet reading before we went to a presentation in the library about the Summer Reading Club (through the Calgary Public Library). It's free to join and they have weekly prizes, plus a grand prize if you choose to participate. We then went outside to do some more reading with our buddies. When we came inside, we did a good clean of the classroom before collecting our homemade tie-dye butterflies to take home!

Mr. Fisher's class also attended the library presentation this afternoon. We also had music this afternoon because we switched with Mrs. Young's class.


Tomorrow is our field trip to the Calgary Zoo! Please make sure that your child wears weather appropriate attire and comfortable shoes. Also ensure that they have a snack, lunch, and water bottle to get them through the day.

Ms. Zimmermann sent home Library Notices regarding OVERDUE items that need to be returned as soon as possible. Any items not returned by Friday will have a letter with a replacement cost sent home. Please ask your child if they received a notice.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Math and Science Overload

What a BUSY Wednesday!

We started our morning with some quiet reading. Our Volunteer Tea display was still assembled, so we took some time to take it apart before Phys. Ed. We played Capture the Gold in gym, and when we came inside, we continued on with our math work. We had 6 Must Do questions and we had to pick another 4 from the Should Try list to do as well.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class continued on with our double-digit subtraction strategies before playing some Silent Ball. Meanwhile, Mr. Fisher's class had music and then went to library.

When we came in from lunch, two groups from the Grade 5/6 class came to present an infomercial about a flying device they created. They were great and we asked some really good questions.

We spent the rest of the afternoon exploring our new science unit of Boats and Buoyancy. We learned what boats are and what buoyancy means before completing an experiment about floating and sinking. We had a number of items such as a dime, cork, pencil, crayon, paper clip, LEGO piece, felt, wax paper, marble, rock, pumice, eraser, and wood to use during the experiment. First, we guessed if the item would float or sink, then we tested it out in a big tub of water. There were definitely some surprises, but we learned a lot.


On Friday, we will be having our Sports Day after lunch. Please make sure that you are wearing appropriate clothes and shoes to be outside all afternoon. Students are encouraged to bring water bottles and hats. If you choose to wear sunscreen, please apply it at home in the morning. Some of the stations for Sports Day will include water. Students can choose whether they participate in these stations. They may bring a change of dry clothes for afterwards, otherwise they may come home wet. We are asking that everyone wears Sporty Spunky Socks on Friday.


Ms. Zimmermann's class has Library tomorrow. ALL BOOKS are DUE BACK TOMORROW so Mrs. Paolini can clean up and organize the Learning Commons before the end of the year.

The permission forms for the Grade 2 trip to the zoo went home this afternoon.
There is NO COST for your child to attend this field trip.
Forms are DUE back to their teachers by Monday, June 13th AT THE LATEST.
We appreciate your promptness with this.
The WHITE forms are only to be returned if you are able to volunteer for this trip; please recycle if you are unable to volunteer. Volunteers will be contacted to confirm their attendance.
Ms. Zimmermann's class MUST return the PINK and GREEN forms as they are the most important.

Sports Day & Fun Lunch on Friday, June 10th... that's THIS Friday!

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Crazy Tuesday

Good afternoon,

Mr. Fisher was today, and we didn't have a Guest Teacher so Ms. Zimmermann took half the class while the other class got to work in Mrs. Grunert's class.

This morning we started with quiet reading before practicing our spelling words before we went outside for gym. When we came inside we did some more spelling before trying some double digit subtraction.

After recess, we watched a video about creatures that live in the ocean as it relates to our Social unit about Meteghan.

When we came inside from lunch, we did some more quiet reading before having a partner read. During the rest of the afternoon, we learned a bunch of strategies to help us solve double digit subtraction questions. We practiced these strategies until it was time to go home.


On Friday, we will be having our Sports Day after lunch. Please make sure that you are wearing appropriate clothes and shoes to be outside all afternoon. Students are encouraged to bring water bottles and hats. If you choose to wear sunscreen, please apply it at home in the morning. Some of the stations for Sports Day will include water. Students can choose whether they participate in these stations. They may bring a change of dry clothes for afterwards, otherwise they may come home wet. We are asking that everyone wears Sporty Spunky Socks on Friday.


Boats & Buoyancy IN-SCHOOL permission forms are due back to Ms. Zimmermann on Wednesday, June 8th. 

Scholastic Orders are due back to Ms. Zimmermann on Wednesday, June 8th as well.

Fun Lunch & Sports Day this FRIDAY!

Monday 6 June 2016

Last Day of Social

Happy Monday... we're down to 15 days of school (14 tomorrow)!

We started our morning with some quiet reading before doing some journal writing before gym. We wrote about how we spent our weekends. We continued on with this up until recess.

After recess, Mr. Fisher's class had music, while Ms. Zimmermann's class did some catch up work. Before lunch we got our new spelling words for the week.





After lunch, we did some more quiet reading. We spent the rest of the afternoon wrapping up our social unit of Meteghan. Today we talked about lighthouses and why they are so important to these coastal communities. We then did some watercolor art of our own lighthouses.
Check it out...

While room 8 worked on Social Studies, room 7 worked on math. We learned about double digit addition and did some questions. We had to use at least one strategy for each question. We had to try at least 2 strategies out.


On Friday, we will be having our Sports Day after lunch. Please make sure that you are wearing appropriate clothes and shoes to be outside all afternoon. Students are encouraged to bring water bottles and hats. If you choose to wear sunscreen, please apply it at home in the morning. Some of the stations for Sports Day will include water. Students can choose whether they participate in these stations. They may bring a change of dry clothes for afterwards, otherwise they may come home wet. We are asking that everyone wears Sporty Spunky Socks on Friday.


Boats & Buoyancy IN-SCHOOL permission forms are due back to Ms. Zimmermann on Wednesday, June 8th. 

Mr. Fisher's class will get permission forms tomorrow. Mr Fisher will be away tomorrow so we will have a guest teacher.

Scholastic Orders are due back to Ms. Zimmermann on Wednesday, June 8th as well.

Fun Lunch & Sports Day this FRIDAY!

Friday 3 June 2016

Social and More Social

Good afternoon!

We started our morning with some quiet reading. Ms. Zimmermann's class has been working on making Lobster Traps as part of our Social unit studying the Acadian Community of Meteghan. Today we finished our traps and did some more double digit addition and subtraction.

During gym, we raced to find out which 4 boys and 4 girls from the Grade 2 classes would be racing on Sports Day. Good sportsmanship is about trying your best and not being upset when you don't finish first.

After recess, we did some more math before playing Spelling BINGO and doing our Spelling Test.

We continued on with quiet reading after lunch before a partner read. We spent the rest of the afternoon learning about goods, services and the natural resources that Meteghan has access to.

This afternoon, Ms. Zimmermann sent home her last book orders of the year and permission forms for our IN-SCHOOL field trip which will kick off our new Science unit of Boats & Buoyancy. There is NO COST for your child to participate, but EACH class requires 3 to 4 volunteers. If you are available, please fill in that portion of the form. Book Orders and Permission Forms are DUE back on Wednesday, June 8th.


Scholastic Orders due on Wednesday, June 8th.

Permission Forms for the in-school trip are due Wednesday, June 8th. The in-school field trip will occur on Thursday, June 9th from 12:30PM to 2:30PM.

Friday, June 10th is FUN LUNCH and SPORTS DAY (from 12:30 to 2:20).

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Working Hard

Today, we started our morning with some quiet reading. Before we went to gym, we starting working on an art project that will be featured at the Volunteer Tea on Friday! After gym, we continued on with our art work until recess.

When we came in from recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class went to music and did more art, while Mr. Fisher's class did their art and then went to library.

After lunch, we did some more quiet reading before continuing on in our social unit which studies the Acadian community of Meteghan. Today we learned about the fun festivals and traditions they have in this community and how Calgary is similar and/or different. We wrote our own Folktales to highlight the importance of traditions in our culture.


Ms. Zimmermann's class WILL NOT have library tomorrow as it is closed.

If you would like to participate in Spirit Day on June 22nd... you have until THIS FRIDAY to donate. There is no minimum donation required to participate. All funds will still go towards the families of the Fort McMurrary wildfires, but will not be matched by the Red Cross.