Friday 17 June 2016

Fun Friday

Hi everyone,

Today we started with our usual quiet read. Following that Ms. Zimmermann's class played hangman and word scramble with our word wall words and then went outside for gym. Mr. Fisher's class wrote a letter to their grade 3 teacher. After that, they also went outside for gym.

After recess, Mr. Fisher's class had music while Ms. Zimmermann's played Bingo! and did their spelling test. When Mr. Fisher's class came back from music they read a story and did a movement break.

After lunch, we started with quiet reading. Mr. Fisher's class did their spelling test. This will be the last week of spelling for Mr. Fisher's class. Students in Ms. Zimmermann's class who are in Mr. Fisher's spelling group will have one more week.

After quiet reading, Ms. Zimmermann's class went outside to race the boats we made during our in-school field trip with Teacher's Pet. We had a class winner for fastest boat and they won a prize. Mr. Fisher's class finished the day by continuing our work on greater than and less than.


On Monday, June 20th, Ms. Zimmermann's class will be celebrating the full marble jar for Home Reading. Students are allowed to wear pajamas to school as part of their reward!

Next week is the last week of school! Please remember to return your library books. You will be charged for any outstanding books.

If you are going to be away for the last day of school, please send an envelope so we can send home your child's report card.

Have a great weekend!

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