Monday 20 June 2016

Last Monday of Grade 2


We kicked off this beautiful Monday with some quiet reading. Ms. Zimmermann's class worked on a bunch of math and science work this morning. Mr. Fisher's class did quiet reading and then we wrote about what we did on our weekend. We also had outdoor Phys. Ed and Ms. Zimmermann's class had music today. While Ms. Zimmermann's class was at music, Mr. Fisher's class worked on science.

Some students in Ms. Zimmermann's class have 8 spelling words this week.
The test will be on Thursday.
Mr. Fisher's class is done spelling for the year.


After lunch, we continued with our quiet reading before having a partner read. We worked on sorting numbers from least to greatest and vice versa this afternoon. Mr. Fisher's class worked on science. Our last unit is exploring liquids. We talked about what a liquid is and what makes something a liquid.

Our day ended with a SAVE Assembly from the Social Action Video club who created some films for us to watch about bullying.


Overdue library books need to be returned IMMEDIATELY. Those in Ms. Zimmermann's class who have outstanding books were sent home with a notice regarding the replacement amount for the missing items.

On Wednesday, June 22nd, the school will have a SPIRIT DAY (Favourite Storybook Character) to end the year off with some Beluga pride. Earlier in the month we collected donations for the Fort McMurray forest fires and we raised over $700! Thanks to these generous donations, all students in the school are invited to participate and share their Beluga pride.

If you would like, you can come to school on Wednesday dressed as your favorite book character! 
  • costumes may not include masks or any props that will distract from learning or cause issues at recess
  • costumes may not be gory or violent in nature and must adhere to the school's dress code           (no spaghetti straps, bare stomachs, short skirts/shorts, etc.)

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