Thursday 23 June 2016

Only Half a Day to Go!

We're almost there... only half of tomorrow before we are on summer vacation!

Ms. Zimmermann's class had a fun day to celebrate our last full day of Grade 2. We finished our art project this morning, before we went outside to play kickball with Mrs. Grunert's and Mr. Fisher's classes. Mr. Fisher's class also had a fun morning. We watched a movie as a reward for filling our home reading jar. When we came back inside, we had a little celebration to end the year. This afternoon, we spent time cleaning up our classroom and attending the Grade 6 Farewell Assembly.

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to our little celebration today. I really appreciate you doing that for our class.


Tomorrow is your last chance to return OVERDUE library books, or send the replacement cost.

If you will be away tomorrow, the school will need a prepaid, self-addressed envelope (8.5 X 11) to fit your child's report card. If you do not send one, you will be able to pick up their report card in September of 2016.

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