Wednesday 22 June 2016

Last Buddy Day

Happy Wednesday!

We started our morning with some quiet reading. Ms. Zimmermann's class did some artwork that was related to our movie yesterday, Inside Out. We painted the palm of our hand white and each finger was painted a different color to represent all the emotions. Then we stamped our hand down, and tomorrow we will finish our work.

Mr. Fisher's class also started with quiet reading. Following that, we brainstormed our favourite book characters and did some writing about them. We came up with lots of good ideas!

We had outdoor Phys. Ed again today, and continued on with our stations. Ms. Zimmermann's class worked on some outstanding work until recess. Mr.  Fisher's class finished our writing on our favourite characters.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music and continued with their catch up.

Mr. Fisher's class watched a tumble book. Then, we did some math. We did some question to review everything we've done this year.

When we came inside from lunch, Ms. Zimmermann's class did some more quiet reading. We then began our Number Review. This includes a bunch of information from throughout the year including place value, addition and subtraction, and greater/less than. We worked on this quietly and independently.

For the last part of our day, we met with our buddies outside.


Outstanding books MUST be RETURNED as soon as possible. Ms. Zimmermann's class has received replacement cost notices, ask your child if they got one.

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