Wednesday 8 June 2016

Math and Science Overload

What a BUSY Wednesday!

We started our morning with some quiet reading. Our Volunteer Tea display was still assembled, so we took some time to take it apart before Phys. Ed. We played Capture the Gold in gym, and when we came inside, we continued on with our math work. We had 6 Must Do questions and we had to pick another 4 from the Should Try list to do as well.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class continued on with our double-digit subtraction strategies before playing some Silent Ball. Meanwhile, Mr. Fisher's class had music and then went to library.

When we came in from lunch, two groups from the Grade 5/6 class came to present an infomercial about a flying device they created. They were great and we asked some really good questions.

We spent the rest of the afternoon exploring our new science unit of Boats and Buoyancy. We learned what boats are and what buoyancy means before completing an experiment about floating and sinking. We had a number of items such as a dime, cork, pencil, crayon, paper clip, LEGO piece, felt, wax paper, marble, rock, pumice, eraser, and wood to use during the experiment. First, we guessed if the item would float or sink, then we tested it out in a big tub of water. There were definitely some surprises, but we learned a lot.


On Friday, we will be having our Sports Day after lunch. Please make sure that you are wearing appropriate clothes and shoes to be outside all afternoon. Students are encouraged to bring water bottles and hats. If you choose to wear sunscreen, please apply it at home in the morning. Some of the stations for Sports Day will include water. Students can choose whether they participate in these stations. They may bring a change of dry clothes for afterwards, otherwise they may come home wet. We are asking that everyone wears Sporty Spunky Socks on Friday.


Ms. Zimmermann's class has Library tomorrow. ALL BOOKS are DUE BACK TOMORROW so Mrs. Paolini can clean up and organize the Learning Commons before the end of the year.

The permission forms for the Grade 2 trip to the zoo went home this afternoon.
There is NO COST for your child to attend this field trip.
Forms are DUE back to their teachers by Monday, June 13th AT THE LATEST.
We appreciate your promptness with this.
The WHITE forms are only to be returned if you are able to volunteer for this trip; please recycle if you are unable to volunteer. Volunteers will be contacted to confirm their attendance.
Ms. Zimmermann's class MUST return the PINK and GREEN forms as they are the most important.

Sports Day & Fun Lunch on Friday, June 10th... that's THIS Friday!

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