Tuesday 21 June 2016

No More Tuesdays in Grade 2

Good afternoon!

Today we started with our usual quiet reading. Mr. Fisher's class did a partner read after quiet read and caught up on some writing from the last couple days. Ms. Zimmermann's class wrote about how we would like to spend our summer vacation.

We had outdoor gym today and Mr. Fisher's class had music. After music, Mr. Fisher's class continued working on science. We looked for solids, liquids, and gases in a video we watched.

Ms. Zimmermann's class also worked on science this morning. We watched a video about fluids and talked about what we learned before we did our science experiment. We used eyedroppers to drop water onto a piece of wax paper. We recorded what shape the drops were, what happened when two drops were close together, and what happened if we added to a drop that was already there.

After lunch, we read a little bit more. Mr. Fisher's class then did their science experiment and ended the afternoon with an outdoor activity. Ms. Zimmermann's class watched the movie Inside Out as part of their Home Reading reward. We will be doing an activity that ties into the movie tomorrow.


Overdue library books need to be returned IMMEDIATELY. Those in Ms. Zimmermann's class who have outstanding books were sent home with a notice regarding the replacement amount for the missing items.

On Wednesday, June 22nd (TOMORROW), the school will have a SPIRIT DAY (Favourite Storybook Character) to end the year off with some Beluga pride. Earlier in the month we collected donations for the Fort McMurray forest fires and we raised over $700! Thanks to these generous donations, all students in the school are invited to participate and share their Beluga pride.

If you would like, you can come to school tomorrow dressed as your favorite book character! 
  • costumes may not include masks or any props that will distract from learning or cause issues at recess
  • costumes may not be gory or violent in nature and must adhere to the school's dress code           (no spaghetti straps, bare stomachs, short skirts/shorts, etc.)

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