Thursday 16 June 2016

More Math

Good afternoon! We're down to only 6 more days of school... it's so hard to believe.

As per usual, we did some quiet reading in the morning before getting the chance to complete 3 task cards with a partner. This is a great way for us to practice different ways of writing our Word Wall words and using them in a sentence. We went outside for a chilly gym, but continued on with our task cards when we came inside.

After gym, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music before we watched a video about how to make the same items float and sink through different methods.

Mr. Fisher's class worked on some language arts. We did some writing on Father's Day and accompanied it with a special project.

When we came in from lunch, we did some more quiet reading. This afternoon we continued learning about greater than and less than. Today we reviewed the symbols before learning about comparing numbers and ordering them from greatest to least. If we finished our work early, we did some catch up work which includes a reflection from our in-school trip about Boats & Buoyancy and our trip to the Calgary Zoo.

Mr. Fisher's class did an art project based on the work of Henri Matisse this afternoon. We learned about Matisse and what type of painter he was. Then, we created our own piece based on his work. We talked about different types of lines and how we could include these in our work.


Overdue library books MUST be RETURNED tomorrow to avoid receiving a replacement cost notice. Please do your best to find these books.

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