Tuesday 7 June 2016

Crazy Tuesday

Good afternoon,

Mr. Fisher was today, and we didn't have a Guest Teacher so Ms. Zimmermann took half the class while the other class got to work in Mrs. Grunert's class.

This morning we started with quiet reading before practicing our spelling words before we went outside for gym. When we came inside we did some more spelling before trying some double digit subtraction.

After recess, we watched a video about creatures that live in the ocean as it relates to our Social unit about Meteghan.

When we came inside from lunch, we did some more quiet reading before having a partner read. During the rest of the afternoon, we learned a bunch of strategies to help us solve double digit subtraction questions. We practiced these strategies until it was time to go home.


On Friday, we will be having our Sports Day after lunch. Please make sure that you are wearing appropriate clothes and shoes to be outside all afternoon. Students are encouraged to bring water bottles and hats. If you choose to wear sunscreen, please apply it at home in the morning. Some of the stations for Sports Day will include water. Students can choose whether they participate in these stations. They may bring a change of dry clothes for afterwards, otherwise they may come home wet. We are asking that everyone wears Sporty Spunky Socks on Friday.


Boats & Buoyancy IN-SCHOOL permission forms are due back to Ms. Zimmermann on Wednesday, June 8th. 

Scholastic Orders are due back to Ms. Zimmermann on Wednesday, June 8th as well.

Fun Lunch & Sports Day this FRIDAY!

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