Wednesday 1 June 2016

Working Hard

Today, we started our morning with some quiet reading. Before we went to gym, we starting working on an art project that will be featured at the Volunteer Tea on Friday! After gym, we continued on with our art work until recess.

When we came in from recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class went to music and did more art, while Mr. Fisher's class did their art and then went to library.

After lunch, we did some more quiet reading before continuing on in our social unit which studies the Acadian community of Meteghan. Today we learned about the fun festivals and traditions they have in this community and how Calgary is similar and/or different. We wrote our own Folktales to highlight the importance of traditions in our culture.


Ms. Zimmermann's class WILL NOT have library tomorrow as it is closed.

If you would like to participate in Spirit Day on June 22nd... you have until THIS FRIDAY to donate. There is no minimum donation required to participate. All funds will still go towards the families of the Fort McMurrary wildfires, but will not be matched by the Red Cross.

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