Thursday 29 October 2015

Happy Halloween!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started the day by quiet reading or working on our pumpkin art. The pumpkins are looking fantastic!

After that we did our spelling test. There were many homophones on this week's test so it was important to listen to the sentence. Students did quite well on this week's test.

For the remainder of the morning we attended our farewell assembly for Mrs. R. The assembly was fantastic! We are so grateful for all of the heart and soul Mrs. R has invested in our school. The grade 5/6 team put together a wonderful presentation that was very student driven. It was lovely to see all of the thoughts and feelings students had about Mrs. R.

We will be swimming next week on Nov. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Remember to send all the things your child needs for swimming. If your child is wearing their swimming suit, please send extra underwear.

Reminder, there is no school tomorrow!

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Good afternoon,

Today we started with morning activity. We did task cards with our spelling words. 

After morning activity, we did science. Today we had our science test on magnets. There were questions that were true and false, multiple choice, and we had to draw pictures and write sentences. Some of the questions were; "if we put two magnets together and they push apart, what does that mean," "what does repel mean," 

After recess we went swimming. Some of our favourite things in swimming were; going in the deep end, doing the pancake, going in the diving tank, going off the diving board, playing "chop, chop, timber," and doing the "spiderman glide." 

This afternoon, we started with silent reading and then room 7 had music. Some of room 7 had library. We were only able to go a few at a time due to music. The remainder of the students will sign out books tomorrow. 

We finished off our day with reading buddies. 

Tomorrow is our spelling test, make sure you study. Tomorrow is also early dismissal, we are done school at 11am but please send a snack with your child. We DO NOT have swimming tomorrow. Tomorrow night is the Halloween dance, Parent Council would love to see you. It goes from 6-8pm. Remember to wear orange and black tomorrow!

Have a great evening!

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Fun lunch is tomorrow

This morning we had to answer the question: If you were turned into a monster what kind of monster would you be? We had to write at least 10 sentences and include 1 juicy word in every sentence. Some of our spooky monsterous ideas were:
- I would have a golden eye, red skin and be a zombie
- I would be a silly monster
- I would be Fifi the Vampire Dog
- I would have the head of a snake, the body of a bee, the tail of a scorpion and the feet of a centipede
- I would be Frankenstein
- I would be a mummy with 100 shiny bandages
- I would eat worms
- I would drink blood
- I would eat delicious ham
- I would have 6 heads
- I would eat 900 brains
- I would scare people until their eyeballs popped out
- I would go to school and color
- I would hide from people

We began an art project where we had to fill in sections of a pumpkin using different patterns, shapes or pictures. Here were the steps we had to follow:

1) Get a yellow or a peach pencil crayon and draw designs or pictures on your pumpkin. Some things we drew were:
- Pumpkins with hats
- A spiderweb
- Asteroids
- A black cat
- Lightening bolts
- Squiggly lines

2) Use a sharpie and go over our yellow lines. We were not allowed to colour in all of our designs black but could add some black in.

3) We could colour in our pumpkin using marker and pencil crayon. We had to choose colors that were in the same family like yellow, red, peach and orange.

It was our second day of swimming today! We will swim again tomorrow and then Monday - Wednesday of next week. Some things that we enjoyed today in swimming were:
- We played chop, chop, timber again
- Everything!
- Going in the diving tank
- Learning how to do the frog
- The side glide
- We went to the deep end and treaded water
- We did a lot of jumping into the water at the shallow end
- We did the Spiderman glide

This afternoon we did a review on our magnet unit in science. We will be having a test tomorrow so it was important we were listening. Some important information we reviewed was:
- Magnets have 2 poles : North and South
- Attract means to attach or stick together. OPPOSITE poles attract to each other.
- Repel means to push away. SIMILAR poles will repel
- Iron sticks to magnets
- Things in our classroom that are magnetic include: the whiteboard, table legs, the metal bookshelf, the bottom of the table
- Things in our classroom that are non-magnetic include: the tent, the carpet, a ruler, books

- Fun lunch is tomorrow. Please remember to still bring a snack!
- Our last day of swimming for this week is tomorrow. Remember your swim suit!
- Mr. Fisher's class has library
- Study your word wall words...our test is on Thursday
- Half day of school is Thursday
- Black and orange day is Thursday
- No school for students on Friday

Monday 26 October 2015

First Day of Swimming

Happy Monday!

We were given our 10 new word wall words for the week. We talked about how most of them have an "e" sound in them by having an e on the end like in he or she or double e's like in sheep or queen.
Our words for the week are:
1) be
2) see
3) got
4) she
5) sheep
6) shop
7) queen
8) green
9) bee
10) he

Make sure when you are practicing your words you remember the meaning for be and bee since they are homophones.

Today was our first day of swimming. Our swimming time has been changed so we leave the school at 10:35. Some students found that wearing their bathing suits to school for the morning became uncomfortable. If this was the case for your child we suggest to just bring the swimsuit in a bag to school and change at the swimming pool. Some students took a VERY long time to get changed and organized after getting out of the pool. As a result, we came back to the school much later than expected which didn't give us much time to eat our lunches and go outside. We ask that you remind your child to make sure they are changing quickly after swimming. Lots of us had tons of fun swimming today. Here were some of our favourite things:
- Using a pool noodle
- Doing the Spiderman in the pool
- Swimming on my own at the end
- Playing "chop chop timber"
- Getting out of the pool

This afternoon we finished the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We had to compare the movie to the book. Some of the things we noticed that were different between the movie and the book were:
- The glass elevator does not crash into Charlie's house like it did in the book
- There were geese who laid golden eggs instead of squirrels that shelled nuts
- There were no square chocolate that looked round in the movie
- Grandpa Joe and Charlie drank a fizzing lifting drink and broke the rules
- Willy Wonka tested Charlie and said he wasn't going to give him chocolate
- The glass elevator was called the Wonkavator
- The book was in winter and not spring

- We will continue swimming tomorrow and Wednesday
- Fun lunch is on Wednesday this week
- We have early dismissal on Thursday at 11:00. Please remember to bring a snack
- Thursday is black and orange day. Students are encouraged to wear black and orange but no costumes.
- Family dance is on Thursday
- There is no school for students on Friday

Friday 23 October 2015

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Good afternoon,

This morning we started by playing hangman or word scramble with our spelling words. The students could play with any of our 50 words. This was great practice for our big test.

After morning activity we did our spelling test. The students were tested on all 50 of the words we have done so far. Students did a good job paying attention during our test. Ms. Binks made sure to review every 10 words.

After spelling we had gym. We did stations during gym today.

After recess, Room 8 had music and Room 7 did language arts. Following that we did Daily 5. We learned the other two ways to read. We learned about reading the words and retelling a story. Starting next week we will begin practicing reading every single day. We will be using all three kinds of reading.

This afternoon we started by doing ketchup.

At 1:00 Mrs. G's class joined us and we watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The students were to find things that were similar and things that were different. We will be creating a Venn Diagram to show what we have learned.

Reminder, fun lunch will be next Wednesday.

Swimming begins next week. Please make sure your child has their bathing suit and towel with them. Also, please send a hairbrush and hair elastic if necessary. If your child is wearing their bathing suit to school, please ensure they have underwear to change into.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday 22 October 2015

The End of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Good afternoon,

This morning we started by working on our letters to Mr. Willy Wonka. We had to tell Mr. Wonka some things about ourselves, how our machine works, and why we think Mr. Wonka should pick our machine. Many of us moved on to working on our good copy today.

After gym we FINISHED reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We were delighted to find out that Mr. Wonka gave Charlie the chocolate factory. They rode a glass elevator of Charlie's house and picked up the rest family. Mr. Wonka took them to live at the factory. It was a very exciting ending. Tomorrow we will be working on some writing about the book.

Room 8 had word and learning commons while Room 7 had Music.

This afternoon we finished our Oompa Loompa Art. The Ooompa Loompas look amazing! Everyone added their own unique touch.

Reminders, field trip forms for Bridge Club. Spelling test is tomorrow! All the words are ones that we have already done. They are words that we have already done.

Have a great evening!

Wednesday 21 October 2015


This morning we were told about how Mrs. R is retiring at the end of the month. We had to think about what might people do when they retire or what might Mrs. R do once she retires? We used the dictionary to look up retire and found out it means when someone withdraws (or stops) their employment. We had to write 5 sentences in our journal about our ideas and then draw a picture. Some of our pictures and writing will be used in the assembly for Mrs. R next week. It was very interesting to hear thoughts about retirement and hopefully give Mrs. R some ideas to fill her days. Some of our ideas were:
- She could go on a trip to India
- She could go to her favourite restaurant
- She could get paid money from the government
- She could go to the beach
- She could go home and rest since she is so tired

Mr. Fisher's class had library today. If you are in Mr. Fisher's class, practice reading your library book by using only the pictures.

This afternoon we continued our work with Mrs. G's class. Some of us tested our machines and wrote about what worked well, what didn't work and what improvements we could make. Others continued their work on writing a letter to Willy Wonka. We will be mailing our letters next week and will be crossing our fingers that we hear back from him!

- Ms. Binks's class has library tomorrow
- Make sure you are practicing your 50 words for our test on Friday!

Tuesday 20 October 2015

50 Spelling Words

Here are the 50 spelling words that we will be tested on this Friday. All of these words are from the previous weeks. There will not be bonus words this week.


















































Say Cheese!!

Today was picture day! It was great to see all the amazing outfits, wonderful hairstyles and big big smiles for our pictures.

This morning we continued to practice our 50 word wall words. We worked in partners to complete spelling task cards that have us writing, drawing, speaking and building our spelling words. Ask me about an activity I did this morning (this would be excellent practice for home!)

Today in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory we heard about how Mike Teevee was taken away by the Oompa Loompas to get stretched out after he shrunk himself by going into the chocolate television. As of right now, Charlie is the only child left on Willy Wonka's tour. Some of us think that he will disappear too where others think he will stay on the tour since he is polite and kind.

We continued to build our reading skills by learning one way to read a book: looking at the pictures. Ms. Binks showed us a picture book and covered the words. We had to use the pictures to figure out what was happening in the story as well as who the characters were and how they were feeling. It is important to use pictures in books because they help tell a story and can help give us cues to figure out what is happening in a book. Tomorrow we will learn 2 new ways to read a book.

This afternoon we worked with Mrs. G's grade two class to complete different tasks. We were given one last period to finish building our magnet machines. Some of us found it difficult to finish building or build a machine that reflected our blueprints. Once we were finished building we talked about how we would share our machines with Mr. Wonka. Some people suggested that Ms. Binks call or text Willy Wonka but unfortunately she does not have his phone number. Someone else suggested that we could write him a note and luckily Ms. Binks agreed because she has his address! We decided that we would write letters to Willy Wonka to describe our machines, explain how they worked and try and convince him to choose our machine. Ms. Binks read the book "I wanna iguana" to give us ideas about what to put in letters. When she was finished, one group of students worked in Mrs. G's room on their letters where the other group tested their magnet machines. Once that group was done testing they needed to reflect on their machine by saying what worked well, what didn't work and how they could improve it. We will continue this work tomorrow.

- Fun lunch orders are due tomorrow
- Mr. Fisher's class has library tomorrow
- Practice your 50 spelling words!!

Monday 19 October 2015

Picture Day Tomorrow!

Good afternoon,

This morning we began our day by journalling about our weekend. We had two write 6 sentences and include at least 3 juicy words. We also had to make sure our sentences were at least 5 words long.

This week our spelling test will be on all 50 of the words we've learned so far. We started practicing working with those words this morning. We did some task cards. We had to pick 10 spelling words and do the activity described on the cards. We had a hard time working quietly and many of us were unable to finish.

This afternoon we worked on some Ketchup. While we were doing this Mrs. Stables pulled small groups of us to finish our art project. We put all the pieces in the mural. Each piece had a number on the back and we had to figure out where it belonged. We used many strategies such as, counting by tens and fives, and using the rows on the hundred chart to help us.

Reminders, tomorrow is picture day! Please bring your best smile and make sure you comb your hair. Also, swimming begins Oct. 26th, please make sure you have your form and fee in. Lastly, fun lunch orders are due Wednesday.

Have a great evening!

P.S. Parents, don't forget to vote!

Thursday 15 October 2015

Spelling Test tomorrow

This morning we continued our work around homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and mean different things. Since it can be tricky to figure out the right word to use we learned how to use a dictionary. We learned that dictionaries are books that have words listed in alphabetical order and also have the meaning of the word and the word used in a sentence to help us figure out how to spell and use the word properly. Ms. Binks showed us how at the top of a page in the dictionary there will be two words. The first word will be the first word on the page and the second word will be the last word on the page. This helped us to find some of our homophones in the dictionary. Ask me to explain the meaning (or find it in a dictionary if you have one at home) for the homophones peace and piece.

Mr. Fisher continued to read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Today in the story the tour continued on to different inventing rooms. One of the rooms had lickable wallpaper and another had hot ice cream for cold days. We thought it was hysterical when Willy Wonka was arguing with some of the children on the tour about the shape of some of the candies.

Ms. Binks's class had library today. We were allowed to take out 2 books this week but if students forget to bring back both books we may lose this privilege. Ms. Binks asked us to choose one book that was a perfect fit for us and we could read on our own and then any other book we would like. Ask me to read from my perfect fit book tonight!

We continued our work with Mrs. Stables today. Ms. Binks's class was able to start a new art project this afternoon with her, and Mr. Fisher's class will complete this project tomorrow. Mrs. Stables took all of our fantastic ideas from the machines we created and drew one gigantic candy making machine. Then she painted it in and then chopped up the painting into smaller squares. Our job was to decorate our square by painting candies, chocolates, fruits and anything else we thought we might find in Willy Wonka's factory. The catch was though that we had to use similar colours that Mrs. Stables had used so that her original drawing would still show up. We used pastel tints to paint our ideas on white sections, and then purplish grey and brownish yellow tints to paint in sections of the machine. We are super excited to see all of the squares come together to make one giant mural.

- Spelling test tomorrow. Make sure you practice! Especially those silent e words!
- Picture day forms sent home
- Fun lunch orders are due back next Wednesday

Wednesday 14 October 2015


Good afternoon,

Today we started with morning activity. We made a chart about the "bossy e." It pokes the a/i/o/u and asks "what's your name?" It causes the vowel to say it's on name. We had to fill our chart with words that have the "bossy e."

After that we finished up our flip book. In our flip book we wrote about how we spent our Thanksgiving weekend.

We continued our novel study. In the chapter we read, Violet Beauregarde ate a piece of gum and turned into a giant blueberry.

After recess we continued working with Mrs. Stables. We added colour to our machines and then we added water. This made our pictures look like we used paint when we only used marker. The machines are looking gorgeous and we are having an excellent time.

This afternoon we had a guest teacher in Ms. Binks class. Her name is Ms. Fisher. It was a little confusing at times.

We worked on a wanted poster for our novel study. We chose between creating a poster about Augustus Gloop or Violet Beauregarde. We had to draw a picture, describe where they were last seen, and offer a reward.

To finish off our afternoon we read a story about homophones. We gave several examples of a homophones. Ask your child what homophone is?

Reminders, swimming starts on the 26th please make sure you have returned your form and your fee. Room 8 has library tomorrow and fun lunch orders are due on Wednesday the 21st.

Have a good evening!

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Artist in residence

We were very excited to see everyone after the long weekend! It sounded like lots of people filled up on turkey, ham, potatoes, brussel sprouts and delicious desserts!

This morning in math we worked in groups to figure out how we could arrange 100 blocks into different shapes. We had to work together and build a shape using all of our blocks. Then we had to sketch our shapes. Some ideas we came up with were:
- a cube
- the word to
- a long line
- a diamond
- a square
We will be using our ideas to help arrange pieces of a mural we will be creating with Mrs. Stables for our Winter Showcase.

To write about our weekends we created a flip booklet. We had 6 spaces we had to fill up with sentences and then when we flipped up some paper we had room for a picture. To challenge ourselves we had to make sure our sentences had at least 6 words, included one juicy descriptive word and had a capital and period. We talked about how important it is to take our time when we draw pictures so that it is easy to figure out what we are drawing and it represents our best work.

This afternoon we met Mrs. Stables who is our artist in residence. Mrs. Stables will be working with each class to help build a mural that showcases our artistic abilities. We learned that all art includes math concepts. Our art this afternoon included shapes and measurement. We were given a small square of paper and we created our own candy making machine (to tie in with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) using different shapes. Our machines had to include three things. 1) A place where the ingredients went in 2) a place where the candy is made 3) a part where the candy comes out and goes into packaging
It was awesome to see all of the different inventions that were drawn using basic shapes. When we were first drawing, we used yellow pencil crayon. Mrs. Stables explained that the yellow is easy for us to see but if we make a mistake it won't show up as easily as pencil. She told us that lots of artists and illustrators often start out using yellow. Once we were finished drawing our machines we used sharpies to go over our lines. The next step was to add color. We used washable markers and just did an outline on the inside line of our sharpie. Mrs. Stables explained that if we add colour in this way and then add a bit of water, the marker will look like paint. We are very excited to see the next steps. Mrs. Stables will be with our classes for the rest of the week and Monday of next week.

We got our 10 new word wall words for the week. They are:
1) add
2) ask
3) came
4) name
5) ride
6) bone
7) save
8) kite
9) cute
10) mine

We brainstormed words for the "ide" "one" and "ine" word families.
We also learned about the "silent e" or "bossy e". This is when there is an e on the end of the word and that e forces the other vowel in the word to say its own name. Once the vowel says its own name, the bossy e vanishes so he doesn't get in trouble. Because of this, we do not say the e sound in bossy e words. Our bossy e words this week are: came, name, ride, bone, save, kite, cute and mine.

- Fun lunch forms are due October 21
- Swimming forms need to be returned. Payment does not need to be made right away. Students who do not return forms will not be able to participate in swimming
- Mr. Fisher's class has library tomorrow

Thursday 8 October 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

This morning we did some spelling bingo. We focused on being a good sport for bingo. After that we did our spelling test. This week we had to use some of our words in sentences and we had a special challenge word.

In math we continued working on measurement. We did some silent work in our booklet. After that, we talked about our 20/20 squares. We will be using these squares to make a classroom mural during our artist residency. We laid the squares out in the hallway to see how long 100 is. We ran out of time so we marked our spot with a piece of tape. 

This afternoon, we created some math goals for ourselves. We chose a math goal that was perfect for us and explained why we wanted that goal. We also explained how we will practice to get better at our goal. 

In science we continued building our machines. Many students are done building and testing. Some are already recording their work

Reminders, no school tomorrow or Monday. Fun lunch orders need to be in by next Wednesday. 

Have a lovely Thanksgiving!

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Measurement and Turkeys!

This morning we worked on math. We continued working on measurement. We measure a white square of paper. We used standard measurement to find out the length was 20cm and the width was 20cm. We will be using these squares to complete our project during our residency. Our artist will start work with us next week. 

We worked independently in math. We had several tasks in math to complete. We had a hard time working quietly in math and lost the privilege of doing art. While we were working independently groups were called up to make an estimation about how big 100 squares would be. Some groups estimation went all the way across the room. 

This afternoon we worked on a Thanksgiving poem. We created a visual representation of the poem, drawing a picture for each line. We drew pictures of a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner. 

To finish off our day we read a Thanksgiving story called Plump and Perky Turkey. Ask your child what happened in the story. 

Fun lunch forms are coming home today, along with some information about fire safety. A reminder that book orders are due tomorrow. Spelling test will be tomorrow morning. Please remember to return your swimming form and fee if you have not yet done so. 

There is no school Friday or Monday. We wish you a lovely Thanksgiving weekend!

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Building and Buddies!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with Gym. Reminder that during swimming we have gym right away and students need to be ready to go by 8:05. This means they are coming in and getting ready quietly.

After gym we worked on Math. We are doing some lessons to prepare for are Artist in Residence. We are working on measurement. Today we measured several classroom objects using rulers. We discovered that standard measurement works better than non-standard measurement. We realized that non-standard measurements can give us many different answers.

We are going to continue working on measurement over the next few days. Ask your child what the rules are when measuring something.

After recess we read from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We just reached a new room called The Inventing Room. We are excited to see what kinds of candy Mr. Wonka has in store for us.

This afternoon we continued working on building our machines. Most students have begun building their machines and a few are on to the test page of the project. The machines are looking fantastic!

Room 7 has Learning Commons tomorrow. Please ensure you bring your book back. Book orders are due Thursday. Parent Council news is coming home today. Please make sure you are studying your word wall words, the test will be on Thursday.

Have a great evening!

Monday 5 October 2015

New Word Wall Words

Today is Monday which spelling words (yay!)
This week's word wall words are:
1) up
2) it
3) him
4) I
5) for
6) or
7) four
8) we
9) man
10) men
We talked about how some of the words on our list are homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and mean different things. The homophones for this week include:
I and eye
for and four
or and oar
we and wii
We talked about how important our listening skills will be this week because we will need to hear the sentence given to figure out the correct word to use based on its meaning. This would be a good skill to practice this week at home.

We continued to work on our stacked paper art today to create our Oompa Loompas. Today we had to trace our body and hands on white paper to create the overalls and gloves our Oompa Loompas will wear. We did a much better job with listening and following instructions.

Today we started a new concept in math to help us with our work when Mrs. Stables, the artist in residence, comes to our classroom. We talked about measurement. We brainstormed reasons why we measure things like: to figure out how big or small something is, to make discoveries if you are a scientist, to make sure your furniture fits in a room or your house and to cook. Ms. Binks showed us a square of paper and we had to figure out objects we could use to measure it. Some of our ideas included: a ruler, a measuring tape, our hand, a pencil and popsicle sticks. We described the size of the square by comparing it to objects it was the same size as, bigger than and smaller than. Our square is as big as a: book, iPad, clock, shoe and water bottle. It is bigger than: a finger, a marker, the donut magnet, a ladybug and a pencil. It is smaller than: the SMARTboard, the Earth, a chair and the country of Canada. We talked about one type of unit we can used in measurement called non-standard units. These include objects and items that can be used to measure with. We had to use the units of books and markers to measure objects are the classroom. It was very interesting that very few of us found the same results. We talked about how this is because we all used different sizes of books and markers. Non-standard units of measurement can be helpful, but they may result in finding different answers. Tomorrow we will continue our work around measurement with a focus on standard units of measurement.

In science today, some of us began to build our machines for Willy Wonka based on our blueprints. We were very excited to get started. It was interesting to see all of the different materials and how differently each group was using the materials in their creations. We will continue to build and test our inventions throughout the week.

- No school on Friday or Monday for students
- Practice your spelling words...our test will be on Thursday this week
- Please return swimming forms
- Book orders are due back by Thursday

Friday 2 October 2015

Book Orders Sent Home

To practice our spelling words this morning we played BINGO. We used word wall words from last week and this week to complete our board. Then we had our spelling test. We talked about how important it is to listen to the sentences being used during the spelling test to make sure we write the correct word. For example for the bonus word of stand today lots of us wrote sand. We talked about how the word sand would not make sense in the sentence "Please ______ for the singing of O Canada"

We continued our work around adjectives by writing even more describing words to talk about different types of food. We will be using what we have learned to develop "mystery writing" where we will get to choose an object or item and describe it using juicy words. Then, everyone else will have to guess what our object or item is based on our writing. We are working on these skills to help develop details in our writing.

This afternoon we had to have a large talk around listening and patience. We had to write in our journals about what patience is, why it is important to have patience and list a few examples of patience.

We continued our work around creating magnetic objects by rubbing magnets on scissors and seeing how many paperclips the scissors could pick up. Today some of us had the opportunity to use much stronger magnets. This is what some of us discovered about using the stronger magnets:
- When I stroked the scissors it picked up more paperclips than the other one did
- They are really strong and they pick up 5 scissors!
- When you used the red and silver magnet it didn't work at all. It didn't even stick to the scissors so you couldn't pick up any paperclips
- It picked up more than the weaker magnet

We continued to work with friends from all 3 grade 2 classes to draw and develop a blueprint for a machine that will use a magnet to pick up chocolate bars. Next week we will use these plans to actually build our machines and test them. We will then write Mr. Willy Wonka and tell him about some of the most successful designs.

- Book orders were sent home today. They are due back next Thursday.
- Coco Brooks order forms need to be returned next week
- There are still a few students who have not returned their swimming forms. The permission and ability forms need to be returned asap. Payment does not need to be made right away. Without forms signed and returned, students will be unable to join us for swimming
- There is no school for students next Friday

Thursday 1 October 2015

Oompa Loompa Art

Good afternoon,

This morning we had gym right away. Over the next little while we will have an earlier gym time. Students will need to be extra quick coming in and be ready to go. We would like to ask students to quietly come into the room for attendance.

After gym we joined up with room 6 to discuss science. We are beginning work on our machine to help Mr. Willy Wonka move chocolate bars around his factory. We began by making a blueprint of our machine. We had to draw it and label the parts. Our machine needs to have a moving part, a way for the magnet to attract and repel, and a list of the materials we used. For this project we were able to choose a partner from any class. Some of us worked with students from room 6.

We continued to read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this morning. While we listened we spent some time drawing what we think the Chocolate Room would look like.

This afternoon we continued working on Oompa Loompa chart that shows the similarities and differences between the Oompa Loompas in the old and new movies.

In art we began making some Oompa Loompas. In this activity we had to follow a few steps at a time and listen very carefully.

Reminders, if you have not yet brought your swimming form back please return it. October calendar is coming home tonight. Spelling test is tomorrow, remember to study!