Friday 2 October 2015

Book Orders Sent Home

To practice our spelling words this morning we played BINGO. We used word wall words from last week and this week to complete our board. Then we had our spelling test. We talked about how important it is to listen to the sentences being used during the spelling test to make sure we write the correct word. For example for the bonus word of stand today lots of us wrote sand. We talked about how the word sand would not make sense in the sentence "Please ______ for the singing of O Canada"

We continued our work around adjectives by writing even more describing words to talk about different types of food. We will be using what we have learned to develop "mystery writing" where we will get to choose an object or item and describe it using juicy words. Then, everyone else will have to guess what our object or item is based on our writing. We are working on these skills to help develop details in our writing.

This afternoon we had to have a large talk around listening and patience. We had to write in our journals about what patience is, why it is important to have patience and list a few examples of patience.

We continued our work around creating magnetic objects by rubbing magnets on scissors and seeing how many paperclips the scissors could pick up. Today some of us had the opportunity to use much stronger magnets. This is what some of us discovered about using the stronger magnets:
- When I stroked the scissors it picked up more paperclips than the other one did
- They are really strong and they pick up 5 scissors!
- When you used the red and silver magnet it didn't work at all. It didn't even stick to the scissors so you couldn't pick up any paperclips
- It picked up more than the weaker magnet

We continued to work with friends from all 3 grade 2 classes to draw and develop a blueprint for a machine that will use a magnet to pick up chocolate bars. Next week we will use these plans to actually build our machines and test them. We will then write Mr. Willy Wonka and tell him about some of the most successful designs.

- Book orders were sent home today. They are due back next Thursday.
- Coco Brooks order forms need to be returned next week
- There are still a few students who have not returned their swimming forms. The permission and ability forms need to be returned asap. Payment does not need to be made right away. Without forms signed and returned, students will be unable to join us for swimming
- There is no school for students next Friday

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