Monday 19 October 2015

Picture Day Tomorrow!

Good afternoon,

This morning we began our day by journalling about our weekend. We had two write 6 sentences and include at least 3 juicy words. We also had to make sure our sentences were at least 5 words long.

This week our spelling test will be on all 50 of the words we've learned so far. We started practicing working with those words this morning. We did some task cards. We had to pick 10 spelling words and do the activity described on the cards. We had a hard time working quietly and many of us were unable to finish.

This afternoon we worked on some Ketchup. While we were doing this Mrs. Stables pulled small groups of us to finish our art project. We put all the pieces in the mural. Each piece had a number on the back and we had to figure out where it belonged. We used many strategies such as, counting by tens and fives, and using the rows on the hundred chart to help us.

Reminders, tomorrow is picture day! Please bring your best smile and make sure you comb your hair. Also, swimming begins Oct. 26th, please make sure you have your form and fee in. Lastly, fun lunch orders are due Wednesday.

Have a great evening!

P.S. Parents, don't forget to vote!

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