Tuesday 27 October 2015

Fun lunch is tomorrow

This morning we had to answer the question: If you were turned into a monster what kind of monster would you be? We had to write at least 10 sentences and include 1 juicy word in every sentence. Some of our spooky monsterous ideas were:
- I would have a golden eye, red skin and be a zombie
- I would be a silly monster
- I would be Fifi the Vampire Dog
- I would have the head of a snake, the body of a bee, the tail of a scorpion and the feet of a centipede
- I would be Frankenstein
- I would be a mummy with 100 shiny bandages
- I would eat worms
- I would drink blood
- I would eat delicious ham
- I would have 6 heads
- I would eat 900 brains
- I would scare people until their eyeballs popped out
- I would go to school and color
- I would hide from people

We began an art project where we had to fill in sections of a pumpkin using different patterns, shapes or pictures. Here were the steps we had to follow:

1) Get a yellow or a peach pencil crayon and draw designs or pictures on your pumpkin. Some things we drew were:
- Pumpkins with hats
- A spiderweb
- Asteroids
- A black cat
- Lightening bolts
- Squiggly lines

2) Use a sharpie and go over our yellow lines. We were not allowed to colour in all of our designs black but could add some black in.

3) We could colour in our pumpkin using marker and pencil crayon. We had to choose colors that were in the same family like yellow, red, peach and orange.

It was our second day of swimming today! We will swim again tomorrow and then Monday - Wednesday of next week. Some things that we enjoyed today in swimming were:
- We played chop, chop, timber again
- Everything!
- Going in the diving tank
- Learning how to do the frog
- The side glide
- We went to the deep end and treaded water
- We did a lot of jumping into the water at the shallow end
- We did the Spiderman glide

This afternoon we did a review on our magnet unit in science. We will be having a test tomorrow so it was important we were listening. Some important information we reviewed was:
- Magnets have 2 poles : North and South
- Attract means to attach or stick together. OPPOSITE poles attract to each other.
- Repel means to push away. SIMILAR poles will repel
- Iron sticks to magnets
- Things in our classroom that are magnetic include: the whiteboard, table legs, the metal bookshelf, the bottom of the table
- Things in our classroom that are non-magnetic include: the tent, the carpet, a ruler, books

- Fun lunch is tomorrow. Please remember to still bring a snack!
- Our last day of swimming for this week is tomorrow. Remember your swim suit!
- Mr. Fisher's class has library
- Study your word wall words...our test is on Thursday
- Half day of school is Thursday
- Black and orange day is Thursday
- No school for students on Friday

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