Tuesday 6 October 2015

Building and Buddies!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with Gym. Reminder that during swimming we have gym right away and students need to be ready to go by 8:05. This means they are coming in and getting ready quietly.

After gym we worked on Math. We are doing some lessons to prepare for are Artist in Residence. We are working on measurement. Today we measured several classroom objects using rulers. We discovered that standard measurement works better than non-standard measurement. We realized that non-standard measurements can give us many different answers.

We are going to continue working on measurement over the next few days. Ask your child what the rules are when measuring something.

After recess we read from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We just reached a new room called The Inventing Room. We are excited to see what kinds of candy Mr. Wonka has in store for us.

This afternoon we continued working on building our machines. Most students have begun building their machines and a few are on to the test page of the project. The machines are looking fantastic!

Room 7 has Learning Commons tomorrow. Please ensure you bring your book back. Book orders are due Thursday. Parent Council news is coming home today. Please make sure you are studying your word wall words, the test will be on Thursday.

Have a great evening!

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