Thursday 15 October 2015

Spelling Test tomorrow

This morning we continued our work around homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and mean different things. Since it can be tricky to figure out the right word to use we learned how to use a dictionary. We learned that dictionaries are books that have words listed in alphabetical order and also have the meaning of the word and the word used in a sentence to help us figure out how to spell and use the word properly. Ms. Binks showed us how at the top of a page in the dictionary there will be two words. The first word will be the first word on the page and the second word will be the last word on the page. This helped us to find some of our homophones in the dictionary. Ask me to explain the meaning (or find it in a dictionary if you have one at home) for the homophones peace and piece.

Mr. Fisher continued to read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Today in the story the tour continued on to different inventing rooms. One of the rooms had lickable wallpaper and another had hot ice cream for cold days. We thought it was hysterical when Willy Wonka was arguing with some of the children on the tour about the shape of some of the candies.

Ms. Binks's class had library today. We were allowed to take out 2 books this week but if students forget to bring back both books we may lose this privilege. Ms. Binks asked us to choose one book that was a perfect fit for us and we could read on our own and then any other book we would like. Ask me to read from my perfect fit book tonight!

We continued our work with Mrs. Stables today. Ms. Binks's class was able to start a new art project this afternoon with her, and Mr. Fisher's class will complete this project tomorrow. Mrs. Stables took all of our fantastic ideas from the machines we created and drew one gigantic candy making machine. Then she painted it in and then chopped up the painting into smaller squares. Our job was to decorate our square by painting candies, chocolates, fruits and anything else we thought we might find in Willy Wonka's factory. The catch was though that we had to use similar colours that Mrs. Stables had used so that her original drawing would still show up. We used pastel tints to paint our ideas on white sections, and then purplish grey and brownish yellow tints to paint in sections of the machine. We are super excited to see all of the squares come together to make one giant mural.

- Spelling test tomorrow. Make sure you practice! Especially those silent e words!
- Picture day forms sent home
- Fun lunch orders are due back next Wednesday

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