Tuesday 13 October 2015

Artist in residence

We were very excited to see everyone after the long weekend! It sounded like lots of people filled up on turkey, ham, potatoes, brussel sprouts and delicious desserts!

This morning in math we worked in groups to figure out how we could arrange 100 blocks into different shapes. We had to work together and build a shape using all of our blocks. Then we had to sketch our shapes. Some ideas we came up with were:
- a cube
- the word to
- a long line
- a diamond
- a square
We will be using our ideas to help arrange pieces of a mural we will be creating with Mrs. Stables for our Winter Showcase.

To write about our weekends we created a flip booklet. We had 6 spaces we had to fill up with sentences and then when we flipped up some paper we had room for a picture. To challenge ourselves we had to make sure our sentences had at least 6 words, included one juicy descriptive word and had a capital and period. We talked about how important it is to take our time when we draw pictures so that it is easy to figure out what we are drawing and it represents our best work.

This afternoon we met Mrs. Stables who is our artist in residence. Mrs. Stables will be working with each class to help build a mural that showcases our artistic abilities. We learned that all art includes math concepts. Our art this afternoon included shapes and measurement. We were given a small square of paper and we created our own candy making machine (to tie in with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) using different shapes. Our machines had to include three things. 1) A place where the ingredients went in 2) a place where the candy is made 3) a part where the candy comes out and goes into packaging
It was awesome to see all of the different inventions that were drawn using basic shapes. When we were first drawing, we used yellow pencil crayon. Mrs. Stables explained that the yellow is easy for us to see but if we make a mistake it won't show up as easily as pencil. She told us that lots of artists and illustrators often start out using yellow. Once we were finished drawing our machines we used sharpies to go over our lines. The next step was to add color. We used washable markers and just did an outline on the inside line of our sharpie. Mrs. Stables explained that if we add colour in this way and then add a bit of water, the marker will look like paint. We are very excited to see the next steps. Mrs. Stables will be with our classes for the rest of the week and Monday of next week.

We got our 10 new word wall words for the week. They are:
1) add
2) ask
3) came
4) name
5) ride
6) bone
7) save
8) kite
9) cute
10) mine

We brainstormed words for the "ide" "one" and "ine" word families.
We also learned about the "silent e" or "bossy e". This is when there is an e on the end of the word and that e forces the other vowel in the word to say its own name. Once the vowel says its own name, the bossy e vanishes so he doesn't get in trouble. Because of this, we do not say the e sound in bossy e words. Our bossy e words this week are: came, name, ride, bone, save, kite, cute and mine.

- Fun lunch forms are due October 21
- Swimming forms need to be returned. Payment does not need to be made right away. Students who do not return forms will not be able to participate in swimming
- Mr. Fisher's class has library tomorrow

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