Thursday 1 October 2015

Oompa Loompa Art

Good afternoon,

This morning we had gym right away. Over the next little while we will have an earlier gym time. Students will need to be extra quick coming in and be ready to go. We would like to ask students to quietly come into the room for attendance.

After gym we joined up with room 6 to discuss science. We are beginning work on our machine to help Mr. Willy Wonka move chocolate bars around his factory. We began by making a blueprint of our machine. We had to draw it and label the parts. Our machine needs to have a moving part, a way for the magnet to attract and repel, and a list of the materials we used. For this project we were able to choose a partner from any class. Some of us worked with students from room 6.

We continued to read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this morning. While we listened we spent some time drawing what we think the Chocolate Room would look like.

This afternoon we continued working on Oompa Loompa chart that shows the similarities and differences between the Oompa Loompas in the old and new movies.

In art we began making some Oompa Loompas. In this activity we had to follow a few steps at a time and listen very carefully.

Reminders, if you have not yet brought your swimming form back please return it. October calendar is coming home tonight. Spelling test is tomorrow, remember to study!

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