Tuesday 20 October 2015

Say Cheese!!

Today was picture day! It was great to see all the amazing outfits, wonderful hairstyles and big big smiles for our pictures.

This morning we continued to practice our 50 word wall words. We worked in partners to complete spelling task cards that have us writing, drawing, speaking and building our spelling words. Ask me about an activity I did this morning (this would be excellent practice for home!)

Today in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory we heard about how Mike Teevee was taken away by the Oompa Loompas to get stretched out after he shrunk himself by going into the chocolate television. As of right now, Charlie is the only child left on Willy Wonka's tour. Some of us think that he will disappear too where others think he will stay on the tour since he is polite and kind.

We continued to build our reading skills by learning one way to read a book: looking at the pictures. Ms. Binks showed us a picture book and covered the words. We had to use the pictures to figure out what was happening in the story as well as who the characters were and how they were feeling. It is important to use pictures in books because they help tell a story and can help give us cues to figure out what is happening in a book. Tomorrow we will learn 2 new ways to read a book.

This afternoon we worked with Mrs. G's grade two class to complete different tasks. We were given one last period to finish building our magnet machines. Some of us found it difficult to finish building or build a machine that reflected our blueprints. Once we were finished building we talked about how we would share our machines with Mr. Wonka. Some people suggested that Ms. Binks call or text Willy Wonka but unfortunately she does not have his phone number. Someone else suggested that we could write him a note and luckily Ms. Binks agreed because she has his address! We decided that we would write letters to Willy Wonka to describe our machines, explain how they worked and try and convince him to choose our machine. Ms. Binks read the book "I wanna iguana" to give us ideas about what to put in letters. When she was finished, one group of students worked in Mrs. G's room on their letters where the other group tested their magnet machines. Once that group was done testing they needed to reflect on their machine by saying what worked well, what didn't work and how they could improve it. We will continue this work tomorrow.

- Fun lunch orders are due tomorrow
- Mr. Fisher's class has library tomorrow
- Practice your 50 spelling words!!

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