Friday 23 October 2015

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Good afternoon,

This morning we started by playing hangman or word scramble with our spelling words. The students could play with any of our 50 words. This was great practice for our big test.

After morning activity we did our spelling test. The students were tested on all 50 of the words we have done so far. Students did a good job paying attention during our test. Ms. Binks made sure to review every 10 words.

After spelling we had gym. We did stations during gym today.

After recess, Room 8 had music and Room 7 did language arts. Following that we did Daily 5. We learned the other two ways to read. We learned about reading the words and retelling a story. Starting next week we will begin practicing reading every single day. We will be using all three kinds of reading.

This afternoon we started by doing ketchup.

At 1:00 Mrs. G's class joined us and we watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The students were to find things that were similar and things that were different. We will be creating a Venn Diagram to show what we have learned.

Reminder, fun lunch will be next Wednesday.

Swimming begins next week. Please make sure your child has their bathing suit and towel with them. Also, please send a hairbrush and hair elastic if necessary. If your child is wearing their bathing suit to school, please ensure they have underwear to change into.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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