Monday 26 October 2015

First Day of Swimming

Happy Monday!

We were given our 10 new word wall words for the week. We talked about how most of them have an "e" sound in them by having an e on the end like in he or she or double e's like in sheep or queen.
Our words for the week are:
1) be
2) see
3) got
4) she
5) sheep
6) shop
7) queen
8) green
9) bee
10) he

Make sure when you are practicing your words you remember the meaning for be and bee since they are homophones.

Today was our first day of swimming. Our swimming time has been changed so we leave the school at 10:35. Some students found that wearing their bathing suits to school for the morning became uncomfortable. If this was the case for your child we suggest to just bring the swimsuit in a bag to school and change at the swimming pool. Some students took a VERY long time to get changed and organized after getting out of the pool. As a result, we came back to the school much later than expected which didn't give us much time to eat our lunches and go outside. We ask that you remind your child to make sure they are changing quickly after swimming. Lots of us had tons of fun swimming today. Here were some of our favourite things:
- Using a pool noodle
- Doing the Spiderman in the pool
- Swimming on my own at the end
- Playing "chop chop timber"
- Getting out of the pool

This afternoon we finished the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We had to compare the movie to the book. Some of the things we noticed that were different between the movie and the book were:
- The glass elevator does not crash into Charlie's house like it did in the book
- There were geese who laid golden eggs instead of squirrels that shelled nuts
- There were no square chocolate that looked round in the movie
- Grandpa Joe and Charlie drank a fizzing lifting drink and broke the rules
- Willy Wonka tested Charlie and said he wasn't going to give him chocolate
- The glass elevator was called the Wonkavator
- The book was in winter and not spring

- We will continue swimming tomorrow and Wednesday
- Fun lunch is on Wednesday this week
- We have early dismissal on Thursday at 11:00. Please remember to bring a snack
- Thursday is black and orange day. Students are encouraged to wear black and orange but no costumes.
- Family dance is on Thursday
- There is no school for students on Friday

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