Wednesday 30 September 2015

Terry Fox Run

This morning we continued our work with magnets. We had to predict if we could transfer magnetic properties to other objects. Mr. Fisher used a pair of scissors and showed how if you rub a magnet the same direction on the scissors, the scissors would become magnetic. We had to predict how many paperclips a magnetic pair of scissors would pick up depending on the amount of times we rubbed the magnet on them. We were surprised to find that the scissors could only pick up around 3-5 paperclips after being rubbed 50 times! We will discuss our thoughts around using different objects and the strength of the magnet and if that would effect our results.

Thank you to everyone who brought in donations for Terry Fox! We counted our money by using tally marks to show how many different coins and bills each class brought it. We talked about how when we use tally marks we are counting by groups of 5 and how when Ms. Binks recorded the amount of money, the number in front of the decimal shows the dollar amount and the number behind the decimal shows the amount of money in cents. Mr. Fisher's class brought in $33.00 and Ms. Binks's class brought in $53.45 for a grand total of $87.45!! We will continue to accept donations for Terry Fox until Friday.

Today Ms. Binks's class started a task to show their understandings about repeating patterns. They were given the problem: Ms. Binks has a repeating pattern. What might it look like?
We had to create as many different repeating patterns as we could and circle the core in our pattern, label our pattern with letters and describe what attribute(s) were changing. Lots of us created over 5 different patterns! Mr. Fisher's class will begin this task tomorrow.

This afternoon we completed the Terry Fox run as an entire school. It was great to see everyone running and walking and trying their best! We were told that one circle around the field was 500m or half of a kilometer. Try and figure out how far you ran for this afternoon and tell your teacher tomorrow!

After we came in from the run, we met up with Mrs. G's grade two class and watched some video clips from the 2 versions of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the movie. We had to compare and contrast the characteristics of the Oompa Loompas in both movies. We were very interested to discover that both movies were very different with how they created this character. In the older version of the movie, the Oompa Loompa's were about the size of a child, had orange skin, green hair, white eyebrows, brown shirts with white overalls that crossed over the front and were very strong. In the new version of the movie, the Oompa Loompa's were much smaller, had brown hair in a ponytail, wore red shiny jumpsuits and went swimming.

- Please return swimming permission and ability forms asap. Payment does not need to be submitted right away. Students without the forms will not be able to join us on October 26 (our first day of swimming)
- Ms. Binks's class has library tomorrow. Please return your books
- Practice your spelling words for your test on Friday
- Coco Brooks order forms can be returned

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