Thursday 17 September 2015

Magnet Mania!

Good afternoon,

Reminder, tomorrow is our spelling test. We hope you have been practicing your spelling words all week. Your child should have brought home a small slip in their purple folder with the words on it. 

If you have not brought your meet the teacher form back, it was due today. Please return them ASAP!

This morning we started Daily 5. We talked about choosing the right book to read. We used an acronym to help us pick the book,

I- I pick the book

P-Purpose (Why are you reading it?) 

I-Interest (Are you interested in it?)

C-Comprehension (Do you understand it?)

K-Know (Do you know the words in the book?) 

Over the next little while we will be working on picking a perfect book to read.

We did some catch up for our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory unit this morning. The students worked on their title page, Charlie character sketch, their Golden Ticket writing or their candy invention.

Room 8 had library and music this morning. 

This afternoon we continued working on our magnet stations. Students finished testing magnetic and non-magnetic materials. Ask your child what magnetic means. 

We also finished up our math stations today. The students worked in their pattern booklets at their desks. 

Tomorrow we will be doing a "finish-up Friday." Students will have the opportunity to catch up on any work they are not finished. 

Have a wonderful evening!!

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