Thursday 10 September 2015

Hamburger Forms Are Due Tomorrow

This morning we practiced our skills with alphabetical order by trying to put 14 words in the right order. Some of us found that when more than one letter in the words match, like in chips and chicken, it was tricky to figure out the correct order. We talked about how a great strategy is to write out the entire alphabet first and then use it to help order the words. Here is a challenge for tonight. Order these words in alphabetical order:
- chocolate
- watermelon
- chicken
- banana
- tomato
- lettuce
- apple
- chips
- peas
- yams

We reviewed vowels and consonants today. We talked about how vowels are: a,e,i,o and u and how all the other letters in the alphabet are consonants. We then looked at the short vowel sounds by practicing the sounds and brainstorming words that have the short vowel sound in it. Some examples are:
a - apple, pack
e - eggs, leg
i - igloo, sip
o - octopus, rock
u - umbrella, cup

Ms. Binks' class had library today. We were allowed to take out one book for the week in order to prove how responsible we will be with taking care of the book and returning it on time. Please make sure you read and return your library book by next Thursday.

We continued to build our patterning skills by doing centers in math this afternoon. The activities we completed helped us practice building repeating patterns, creating and identifying pattern rules, extending patterns, finding the core of a pattern and explaining attributes and how they change within patterns. We will continue our work on repeating patterns for the next week.

This afternoon Mr. Fisher told us about his cat that had run way last Thursday. Thankfully the cat showed up on his front porch this morning, but it made us wonder...what had Mr. Fisher's cat been doing for a week? We drew pictures and wrote sentences in our sketch books about the cat's adventures. Some of our ideas we came up with were:
- He went for a walk to get 7up
- He went to the park
- He went to the lake and tried to catch fish
- He went to the pet store to get cat stuff
- He had to eat grass because he was so hungry
- He drove a truck to do tricks

- Free BBQ forms are due tomorrow! If you do not return your form by tomorrow you will be unable to participate in the hamburger lunch

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